Isn't the Standard of Driving in Ireland Terrible?

I personally have a penchant for the hazard lights in this situation. Oh yeah - youre backing off now buddy because you think there is something wrong - there is something wrong - YOU!!

We like hazards....even better is to slooowwww right down.
Funny how the angriest, most ignorant drivers on the road are middle aged men. Who says experience makes you a better driver? Certainly not in all cases.
In fairness, I've met lots of ignorant drivers in their twenties and thirties, and not all of them male.
Woman on M1 Monday morning...sitting in outside lane during late rush hour c. 8am...2 cars between me and her.
First car undertook her in the slow lane after waiting for her to pull in
Secondcar undertook her in the slow lane after waiting for her to pull in

Next came me.

I thought to myself that since 2 cars had undertaken her, she might get the idea and pull in and if she was as bad a driver as she was demonstrating, she would check her mirror so I stayed behind her

Waited a while and in frustration I gave a single flash of the lights. (I was driving a Land Rover so she could certainly see me!)

She pulled in, I passed and what did she do...
she began to flash furiously at me and then pulled back into the overtaking lane....Give me patience.

It seems customary to defend to the death the 15ft of road in front of your vehicle.
And I think this is why so many people stay out in the overtaking lane cos they find it so hard to get back into it to do a legitimate overtake cos those already in the lane wont let them in...
Another one...

Why do people call the overtaking lane 'the fast lane'?

Surely they are all fast lanes?
First car undertook her in the slow lane after waiting for her to pull in
Secondcar undertook her in the slow lane after waiting for her to pull in

There is no such thing as a 'slow lane' in Ireland. There is a 'Driving Lane' which is Lane 1 and then an 'over taking' lane which is Lane 2 or 3 if on a 3 lane Motorway.

Just for the record. What did you do yourself after passing her out? Did you pull back into the 'Driving Lane' ??
I was so careful about calling it the overtaking lane and you caught me out on the slow lane! Apologies for using the incorrect terminology...

Just for the record. What did you do yourself after passing her out? Did you pull back into the 'Driving Lane' ??
Yes, I couldn't/shouldn't be giving out about someone hogging the ''overtaking lane' and then abuse it myself!!!

I always pull back in. Its much better to be comfortable in the slow lane rather than sitting in the outside lane with cars tailgaiting you cos you're holding the whole thing up.

But then of course, you have to be aware that there is actually traffic behind you and I think a lot of people either arent aware of whats going on around them or dont care less...
He sounds like the one who sideswiped me on the same exit and then managed to get stuck in a lane he didnt want to be in, ended up behind me again and practically drove into my boot, all the while shaking his fist furiously at me and flashing me.

There are some serious nutters out there driving cars. It's frightening really.
Lane discipline at junctions when you are turning left or right, a lot of drivers are in the middle blocking the other lanes
People pulling into and blocking yellow boxes turning LEFT drives me mad...I've had a row through the window with more than a few of these. Just because it's a box and you're turning doesn't mean you can stop in must be turning RIGHT and stopping in it can't block the progress of other traffic! Rant
I have never claimed to be the perfect driver. I try to be courteous as often as possible without being stupidly courteous. I cringe when I see people abusing the bus lane, stopping in yellow boxes, racing through red traffic lights, using all roads like they were in Mondello, etc.
It is of extreme satisfaction to me some years later attending their funerals caused by their reckless driving.

Wow! Do you go up to grieving relatives and tell them how satisfied you are to see their dead loved one get what they deserved? Must be lovely to read the card you leave!
I have never claimed to be the perfect driver. I try to be courteous as often as possible without being stupidly courteous. I cringe when I see people abusing the bus lane, stopping in yellow boxes, racing through red traffic lights, using all roads like they were in Mondello, etc.

It is of extreme satisfaction to me some years later attending their funerals caused by their reckless driving.

Seriously, you get satisfaction attending a funeral of a young person killed by their own foolishness? You don't see the wasted life or the grieving parents or fatherless children?
I have never claimed to be the perfect driver. I try to be courteous as often as possible without being stupidly courteous. I cringe when I see people abusing the bus lane, stopping in yellow boxes, racing through red traffic lights, using all roads like they were in Mondello, etc.

It is of extreme satisfaction to me some years later attending their funerals caused by their reckless driving.

Jeez , Leper !

Penalty points or a driving ban might be more appropriate ?
I generally agree that drivers in Ireland are not very good, but from experience they are not the worst by far in Europe, not that that should excuse things. I believe the driver training system here is a joke, but it is getting better. I don't think learner drivers should be on the road without a qualified instructor in an instructors car, and I think that while 12 mandatory lessons is a start it is not enough.

Thing that drives me mad the most is drivers that accelerate as soon as you start overtaking them and proceed to narrow the gap to the car in front of them.
Worst experience was a fully laden truck driver overtaking into oncoming traffic. When he got behind me he was sitting on my bumper ignoring my brake lights. I was doing 110 in a 100 zone (I know, how bold of me), so I decided to teach him a lesson. Just before a the road turned two lane up hill there was a turn off. I pretended to turn off and slowed down to 30 and then decided to continue on. Because the truck was fully laden and the road was uphill it was going to take him a couple of miles to get back up to speed after all the cars behind him had overtaken him again. Reported hi to the nearest guarda station, who said they would have a word with the driver. Doubt anything ever came of it.
People pulling into and blocking yellow boxes turning LEFT drives me mad...I've had a row through the window with more than a few of these. Just because it's a box and you're turning doesn't mean you can stop in must be turning RIGHT and stopping in it can't block the progress of other traffic! Rant
Just to be clear - it doesn't matter whether you are turning right or left. The rule is that you don't block traffic that would otherwise be free to proceed.
Irish drivers are not bad in my opinion. Like everything, there will be exceptions. Motorway lane discipline would be my biggest gripe. Perhaps some of this can be attributed to the fact that some people here are just not that used of them yet. Driving on the motorways in the UK (I did a half circle of the M25 last weekend) is a much different experience to here...because in the main overtaking lanes are just that...and are not hogged by slow moving traffic.
No worse then other countries

Take a trip to Rome. Macho latin culture, if you're stuck in traffic blow the horn and wave your arms madly.

T shirts, shorts and flip flops are a scooter riders clothes of choice. Some nasty road rash for sure.

It's very relaxed and courteous in Ireland by comparison.
Big issue with using motorways though.
A friend of mine learned to drive in Italy, he was advised to take the rear-view mirror down so as not to get distracted or panicked by the road rage going on behind him!