Queens visit to Croke Park


Registered User
Hi there,

I think this is a huge statement of reconciliation by the queen to visit Croke Park, I hope her visit is covered extensively by British and Irish media. I think this visit could be a very emotional one for Ireland given the history between the two countries.

I hope to god nothing happens to her, and that the dissident republicans don't try anything.

I'm fairly ambivalent, maybe indifferent to the Queen's visit. I'm all for the peace-process, and I hate those nut-jobs on either side, but I find it hard to forget what the British did here, despite myself having Anglo-Norman protestant ancestry. In Trinity's Exam Hall there is a portrait of Lizzie 1. I know it's all in the past, but I just don't much like it hanging there. Still, I know my discomfort is nothing compared to the people who lost family members on both sides, and I should really get over it...yet still...
While she's here could we ask her for a few bob, tell her this independence thing hasn't worked out -we'd pay her back of course.
I hope nothing happens to her but I'd much prefer she didn't bother her barney. Will anyone in Ireland really wave a little union-jack flag at her as she drives down O'Connell Street?

The more I think about it the more bizarre it seems!
The queen's visit here will obviously give a lot of exposure to Ireland Ltd. I hope this exposure can be exploited to the fullest in attracting more tourists here from the UK.
Pound for pound Brit tourists are worth more to our economy than those from other countries.
... Will anyone in Ireland really wave a little union-jack flag at her as she drives down O'Connell Street?


Can't see that happening...but you reminded me of a very funny comment from an aquaintence. I bumped into him one night and asked was he stepping out with anyone. He scowled, and said that the last time he had sex, a Union Jack was flying on the GPO. So maybe his "dry season" is coming to an end soon.;)
Oh that Queen !!

I was looking forward to a a Freddie Mercury tribute gig in Croker !!!
I think its commendable - it's really meeting the people on their own turf, so to speak. I gather there wont be a speech there, which is a pity, would be an appropriate place for 'ye olde apology' which I gather is in the post.

I reckon there'll be a footage of her sprinting onto the field, down to the goals and slapping the crossbar with the hurley - Davy Fitz style !! :D:D
I think this visit could be a very emotional one for Ireland

I think thats completely overstating it.

There will certainly be a curiosiy element to the trip.
But other than that i really don't aee many people getting hugely emotional about it - and certainly not the country as a whole.

The visit will come and go and people will get on with their lives.

It's no biggie.
I think thats completely overstating it.

There will certainly be a curiosiy element to the trip.
But other than that i really don't aee many people getting hugely emotional about it - and certainly not the country as a whole.

The visit will come and go and people will get on with their lives.

It's no biggie.


Will be no different than if the leader of any other large country visited.
Will be no different than if the leader of any other large country visited.

In fairness I think it is a bit more significant than that, not that Irish/British relations need much helping along, but in the times we're in its probably an oddity that the Queen of England has never been in the Republic (I assume she's been more or less everywhere else). So its the "putting to bed" of that issue & whatever anyone might read into it.

The day she leaves nothing much will have changed here, but hopefully there'll be a good tourist dividend out of it over the Summer.