Confession time?


Registered User
What are your personal foibles and eccentricities that you notice about yourself? I have a secret perchant for eating Jelly babies and Fruit Pastilles in the middle of the night. I leave a packet at the side of the bed, I half wake up, munch a few, and fall back asleep. I hate lace-up shoes, fiddling with laces drives me nuts. I always sleep on the left of the bed, and although left-handed I kick a football with my right foot. I love arguing against the dominant view, even if I agree with it.
I find myself arguing against the extreme view, whatever it is. On AAM I’m sure I am regarded as right of centre but I post on an American based discussion board and I’m regarded as a socialist (and I suppose by right-wing American standards I am).
I also struggle to control my natural tendencies;
1) To wind people up
2) Laziness
3) To no take anything seriously
Me, I never sleep more then five hours a night and often four. Bed at 1am messing around on the internet or reading and wide awake around 5:30am or 6am.
Can't get my head around the "eight hours a night" I hear. Everyone different I suppose.
I used to work nights and the options were leave the window closed and bake in the room or open the window and let the noise stream in. Do that for a few years and you'll cope with very little sleep for decades afterwards

I'm left handed and always wore a watch on my right. When I was in school I was told if you wear your watch on your right it's a sign you are gay. Something similar with earrings. Being young and easily lead I tried wearing the watch on the left and it felt awkward. Not worn a watch in over a decade since.

I watch films and the famous actors always wear the watch on the left. I watch ;) out in every film to see this!
I have a secret perchant for eating Jelly babies and Fruit Pastilles in the middle of the night.

I get up in the middle of the night and eat bread and drink a glass of milk. Not always. I think it harks back to childhood when I was a ferocious sleepwalker and used to eat bread while sleepwalking and sometimes wake up to find slices of it under the pillow.

I dont like volumes at an uneven number. If Im raising the volume on the tv/stereo/car radio or anything that shows it numerically I have to stop it on an even number.

Due to some orthopediac issues over my life I find myself noticing other peoples posture/footwear/awkward movements. I notice it in films too - I watched Signs recently and immediately spotted Joaquin Phoenix's left shoulder looks off.

Im also pretty good at reading certain things about people and can usually spot an addict (to drugs or alcohol) within the opening sentences of conversation.
I dont like volumes at an uneven number. If Im raising the volume on the tv/stereo/car radio or anything that shows it numerically I have to stop it on an even number.
I hear you truthseeker, me too :)
I also have issues with symmetry... :eek:
Procrastination - no. 1 failing. Its a pain when your job is pretty much "self-starter", nearly need a bit of pressure to get things done.
I have to walk on someones left, maybe it's because my granny was practically deaf and I had to always walk on her "good" side...maybe.

Major procrastinator here too.

I have to have something to read when I go to bed. Might not read it but it has to be there. If I forget to buy a new book I'll dig out one I already read and go with that til I get a new one.

I'm sure I have loads more but I can't think of any.
I cannot take the top newspaper in a shop, I have to dig down 3 or 4.

I can't sit on a chair just vacated, I hate that "warm" feeling and have to wait for it to cool down.