Are There Any Other AAM Non Book Readers?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Apologies to Horusd but, is there anyone else here who doesn't regularly read books?

I avidly read golf magazines, newspapers (including De Paper and, loathe though I am to say so, De Echo ;)), Velux window brochures, insulation brochures, D.I.Y. brochures, etc., etc.

Mrs. Foutish reads dozens of books per year but I rarely, if ever, read any. Is anyone else here in the same boat?
I don't read any magazines and rarely read newspapers (I get my news online) but I read books as often as I can. I hardly ever read fiction.
Apologies to Horusd but, is there anyone else here who doesn't regularly read books?


With newspapers and the magazines that come with them, I hardly ever read books. Maybe 2/3 a year ?

I have yet to find an author, or genre of book, that engages me. I tend to go for non-fiction books - the last one I read is 'Too Big To Fail' about the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

In the time others spend reading books, I guess I spend the equivalent time watching TV- mainly boxsets, as opposed to scheduled TV.

The Mrs is an avid reader and is now a Kindle addict. The kids are voracious readers.
I read the Sunday Times and online news. I'd say I read maybe two books per year. The last book I really enjoyed was The Rational Optimist.
Haven't read a book in a long while

Just download from or often you get them free on the internet.
Audiobooks are great, you listen while you drive/commute or even down the gym
I seldom get through a book nowadays. It's a shame I used to read a lot but nowadays I just find it hard to immerse myself in fiction, the books I do get through tend to be biographies that I can dip in and out of.

I read every inch of the newspaper and even read leaflets that get pushed through the door!
haven't read a book in years. No interest in that Kindle thingy either.

I travel a lot with work and regularly see guys/girls read books, on planes, at the airport, in hotel bar/restaurant etc.

I prefer to switch off and let my little brain unwind...
I prefer to switch off and let my little brain unwind...

Me too.

Can't concentrate any longer or relax long enough to give time to reading a book even on hols :( I used to read quite a lot years ago.

Another thing that I've noticed over the last few years is that noise or music drive me mad after a while. When I'm in the car on my own I leave the radio off quite a lot these days.
I used to read an awful lot,Fiction,History,Bio,the amt of books I have read in the last two years has fallen off a cliff,I still buy them,I have at least 30 books bought in that period that remain unread..this coincides funnily with a big increase in the amt of time I spend online browsing/contributing to forums....
Used to be a real bookworm then my non-reading fan of a hubby discovered ebooks. Suffering from tinnitus, (especially at night when it's REALLY quiet), I find listening to the MP3 a great way to get to sleep... Stephen Fry is particularly relaxing :)
I used to read an awful lot,Fiction,History,Bio,the amt of books I have read in the last two years has fallen off a cliff,I still buy them,I have at least 30 books bought in that period that remain unread..this coincides funnily with a big increase in the amt of time I spend online browsing/contributing to forums....

Use to read a good bit, was into books on contemporary design, photography as well as bios, drama type history but since I moved a year and half ago I haven't read one book properly.

I have about 7 books to read and have to stop myself buying more. I have a massive wish list on amazon.

I also bought a mag for the first time in a year and it's still on the table waiting to be read.