"Why is there no Minister for Older People?"

Brendan Burgess

Apparently we had a Minister for State in the last government for older people, but it's gone now. Instead we have a minister for children.

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I suppose the medical card protest showed that, by and large, they have the influence and time to make things happen.

However, into the future, when we all live to 120 or whatever, issues like cost and quality of care, living wills, euthanasia (sp?) etc will be huge. If the Dept of Health was less Angola-like you'd imagine that, with a bit of collaboration with the Dept of Justice, they'd be able to handle those issues.
I think with the importance of the childrens referendum is why it is given such importance. Older people have been impacted less by the recession than children IMO.
I think with the importance of the childrens referendum is why it is given such importance. Older people have been impacted less by the recession than children IMO.

As mentioned on Tonight with Vinnie, what happens then once the referendum is held? What will be the point in the Minister then?
THere are so many other issues involving children. The childcare options available for kids i.e after school care is not very well regulated. Also a lot of issues relating to health i.e growing incidence of childhood obesity , the new childrens hospital etc.. all are areas where it is good to have a ministry for children to see the impact decisions in other departments have on children.
I don't understand this decision at all. I think a junior ministry would have been much more appropriate. I know there are a lot of issues affecting children, but a lot of them are already being dealt with by other Departments who have a full focus on health or education or justice or protection.

I also notice there's no longer a Minister for Labour Affairs.
We need a minister for ugly people like me. We are discriminated agianst and no none gives damn.
Lol. so you're not just ugly but bitter, resentful and twisted as well!:)

I was serious us ugly people deserve a break.
most of us are not bitter or resentful or twisted just sad and lonely.
A minister like this could hlep make ireland become a major tourist attraction( no pun intended). e.g.
Ireland A country that welcomes ugly people - you wont be noticed
I don't understand this decision at all. I think a junior ministry would have been much more appropriate. I know there are a lot of issues affecting children, but a lot of them are already being dealt with by other Departments who have a full focus on health or education or justice or protection.

Part of the problem was that there were many gaps between the services provided by these Depts, and some children were literally falling between these cracks. Hence the need for a seperate Department to ensure end-to-end services are available.