Anyone applying for Olympic tickets that are going on sale today


Registered User
Just interested to see if there is much interest from people over here. I am going to apply for a few events. Just a shame that I can't see flight and hotel prices etc at the same time! Have a feeling, we will be fleeced.

Looks like a smooth ticketing operation apart from the price of the tickets and also having to use a Visa card.
Did you apply for tickets, I had a look at but havent applied.

I will do. Have until near the end of April so just need to plan a day or two out and apply for a few things. It's a lottery as to what you get if anything so not sure what the best plan of action is. I think they are setting up a site where you can sell unwanted tickets at face value so will probably try and apply to all the big events and see if I get lucky. There will always be a market from them if it turns out too expensive to go.
Nice one that you have till the end of april, i must apply for a few things too so. Its so near it would be a shame not to get to something. I got to go to the world cup in germany a few years ago, amazing to experience the likes of it.
I'm still trying to figure out the timetables and decide which options for a 2/3 day trip would be best.

Might look at Hockey, Gymnastics and a couple of other sports and see what makes sense.

Must also re-connect with my Aunt and cousins in London!!