Advantages of recession?

I'm skinnier - can't afford to eat out and I walk every day. Only 6lbs to go to target and that's after 4 kids in 5 years!
Ditched the city and the nanny, moved to the country and now take pride in my housework as opposed to giving out about what the cleaner didn't do.
Got a life.
Everyone's in the same boat. We have all been screwed financially in some shape or form. Some more so than others, some quite badly. Realising now that keeping it simple is the way to go.
The thing I notice most strongly is the lack of competition now. No need to go into a blind panic because your friend down the pub is telling you how they closed on investment house number 27 that afternoon while you only have the one house and the train is passing you by. Or that your peers have villas in portugal while you're still paying for your annual two weeks on a credit card and paying it back til Christmas!!

I am so glad that competitivenes is gone out of society. There is a feeling that we are all in the same boat whether once wealthy or not. Indeed the previously wealthy are frequently worse off now due to the silly spending.
Everyone understands that everyone else is feeling the pinch and making do and no-one is looked down on for that anymore, whereas during the boom if you weren't doing well you were kind of quietly considered stupid or slow for not grabbing the "opportunities".

I don't think we will be fooled as quickly again by bright shiny things. Once bitten, twice shy.

The thing I notice most strongly is the lack of competition now. No need to go into a blind panic because your friend down the pub is telling you how they closed on investment house number 27 that afternoon while you only have the one house and the train is passing you by. Or that your peers have villas in portugal while you're still paying for your annual two weeks on a credit card and paying it back til Christmas!!

I am so glad that competitivenes is gone out of society. There is a feeling that we are all in the same boat whether once wealthy or not. Indeed the previously wealthy are frequently worse off now due to the silly spending.
Everyone understands that everyone else is feeling the pinch and making do and no-one is looked down on for that anymore, whereas during the boom if you weren't doing well you were kind of quietly considered stupid or slow for not grabbing the "opportunities".

I don't think we will be fooled as quickly again by bright shiny things. Once bitten, twice shy.


I really hope not. There was something horrible about all the nouveau riche carry on that seemed to take over for a few years. I know there will still be people around who will judge people by how old their car is or the label on their dress but hopefully most people will now see through all that crap. Already I've noticed that there are lots of older cars on the road and less skips around the place for people to put perfectly good stuff into that they've got 'bored' with.
I have my doubts as well. I think there are lots of people out there who, given half a chance, would run out and spend spend spend all over again. The 'depths' of some people's shallowness really came out during the boom years.
Schools stopping ridiculously expensive 'educational' trips to wherever.
Great restaurant deals, especially early birds.
FF out of power
I imagine there will be a decrease in our shocking child obesity levels (due to more home cooked food, more trips to park, use of free or cheap after school activities like GAA coaching etc)