Signs That FG and Labour are turning into FF


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I found a piece of research on the internet about our political system:

Statistics show that more incumbent Fianna Fáil MPs lose their seat to a running-mate than to a candidate of another party.

Critics argue that, as a result, incumbents become over-active at constituency level in order to curry favour with the voters and do not spend enough time on politics at national level, for example, on scrutinizing the government or discussing legislation in committees. They argue that this has an adverse effect on the calibre of Irish parliamentarians (in that individuals who could make a contribution at national level are discouraged by the likely casework load they would have to discharge if elected) and that it leads to short-termism and undue regard for localism in government thinking. They suggest that internal party competition for votes may lead to divided, incohesive political parties.

This piece is in today's independent:

Dublin Mid-West TD Joanna Tuffy joined her Dublin North-East colleague Tommy Broughan, who spoke out strongly against the new Programme for Government.... both come from constituencies where there are now two Labour TDs -- making these seats marginal.
In her own constituency of Dublin Mid-West there were now four government-supporting TDs and no one from the opposition, she added.
"I do think you need a strong opposition. That's an important part of our parliamentary party democracy," Ms Tuffy said.

There must be very few labour TDs who have to compete with a colleague in a given constituency.

Is this an extreme coincidence?

Or are we seeing that Labour (and FG) will naturally turn into FF, because that's what the system incentivises?
I found a piece of research on the internet about our political system:

Statistics show that more incumbent Fianna Fáil MPs

Fianna Fail MPs ? Great bit of research that :rolleyes: !

.. Dublin North-East colleague Tommy Broughan, who spoke out strongly against the new Programme for Government.... both come from constituencies where there are now two Labour TDs -- making these seats marginal.

Tommy Broughan is looking over his shoulder to Sinn Fein, not to his LAB constituency colleague Sean Kenny.
Either the 3rd or 4th seats in Dublin Mid West taken by Labour's Robert Dowds and Fine Gael's Derek Keating could easily have gone to Sinn Fein's Eoin O'Broin who was seeking election in Dublin Mid West for the first time. He was only a few hundred votes short and transfers went against him in the end. If he runs again in 4 years time or whenever our next election is, I can see him taking one of those seats.