Former mod dropping by to say "hello"


Registered User
Well hi,

Its been long time and I'm not sure how many of my old friends are still here but I've come over all nostalgic for a forum which in the past I've given many, many hours to.

We needed the break. The fact was I needed to see new people. I can do commitment, really but now that we've grown in our own ways, perhaps its time to become reacquainted.


My username hasn't changed. I was a mod roughly between 1999 and 2002. I'm only down as having one post because my account was on the old system. Brendan kindly re-established my identity this morning.

Welcome back Rockflake. I was on the old system too despite my low post count have been a member for years!
My username hasn't changed. I was a mod roughly between 1999 and 2002. I'm only down as having one post because my account was on the old system. Brendan kindly re-established my identity this morning.


Before my time...
Ah Rockflake, I remember you well. God I look back so fondly on those halcyon days skipping through the virtual fields in the sunshine. Welcome back!
Hi Rockflake

Welcome back. One of my memories is a vegetarian sandwich uneaten at a mods' meeting.;)

You'll have to try the beef salad one, though..... :cool:

Thank you sir, it WAS a treat...proper beef. Haven't been there for awhile and noticed that they actually cut the sandwiches all the way thought too - you used to have to pull them apart yourself..something I could never manage. A nice, hot bowl of veg soup to wash it down. The obligatory few lines with a "character" at the bar who belongs in a last-chance-saloon and a few pages of the Paper....bliss. (All I was short was a nice pint)
Thank you sir, it WAS a treat...proper beef. Haven't been there for awhile and noticed that they actually cut the sandwiches all the way thought too - you used to have to pull them apart yourself..something I could never manage. A nice, hot bowl of veg soup to wash it down. The obligatory few lines with a "character" at the bar who belongs in a last-chance-saloon and a few pages of the Paper....bliss. (All I was short was a nice pint)

Stephen Ireland doesn't know what he's missing
Thank you sir, it WAS a treat...proper beef. Haven't been there for awhile and noticed that they actually cut the sandwiches all the way thought too - you used to have to pull them apart yourself..something I could never manage. A nice, hot bowl of veg soup to wash it down. The obligatory few lines with a "character" at the bar who belongs in a last-chance-saloon and a few pages of the Paper....bliss. (All I was short was a nice pint)

Yes, Firefly, 'tis me daaza! I haven't been there in a few months either but looking forward already after your post! :cool:

I presume that your "few lines" at the bar were only a few lines of chat!!!!!! :eek:

Stephen Ireland doesn't know what he's missing

Neither does Marion! ;)
Hi Guys,

Hi LD. Hi Marion. Is Jed still lurking somewhere?

My but this forum has come a long way. Its a maze of threads these days. I don't know the long Valley so I presume its not in the big smoke.

I question your memory Marion. I've never left a vegetarian sandwich uneaten.
