Bringing new baby into work to show colleagues

Who will ever forget the day some TD from the Greens brought their kid to work. They spoke about it for over an hour on Joe Duffy!

Seriously though I think its very unprofessional. I remember last year I was called in for a meeting with one of the banks head offices in the city centre. Here's me sitting like a bunch of nerves waiting to be called in when all I could hear was gooing and gaaing from behind the door. I was left sitting like a lemon while the staff went stupid over a colleagues new baby.
Didnt follow the coverage on that conference on the greens but it was a bit odd/inappropriate for any of the following reasons: 1. unnecessary distraction, 2. what was the point, 3. was it some cynical plot to get favour/lessen criticism and, if so, bad form to be using a baby for that purpose.

Overall people need to understand that, apart from close friends, the attention span of others for your personal life or family is very short .... unless of course there's scandal when they would probably devote a day to picking over the juicy details.... Its best to be a bit cynical, leads to less dissappointment with people.
Its totally unnecessary, I immediately reach for my headphones and actually do some work whenever it happens. Its only people that have children themselves who seem to care/show any interest.

I'm going to have to bring my new smallie into work....

Ugh, "Smallie" is almost as annoying as "Hubbie" :(
Its totally unnecessary, I immediately reach for my headphones and actually do some work whenever it happens. Its only people that have children themselves who seem to care/show any interest.


Ugh, "Smallie" is almost as annoying as "Hubbie" :(

It's a Cork phrase, each to their own
I hate the phrase yummy mummy. Almost as bad as mothers describing other mothers as 'mummy friends'.
I don't really see the point. ONE picture will do be nicely. Even worse when the baby is not exactly a looker and you have to think on your feet of something nice to say.
Which is strange because anyones dog could drool all over me and it wouldnt bother me at all - its just the human saliva, bits of food around the mouth and wet fingers that have been in the mouth trying to grab onto my hair etc that freaks me out.

I had to laugh at that, I'll take the human saliva any day, thanks. God knows where the dogs mouth has been, on parts of their anatomy, on parts of other dogs anatomies.. Ugh!
I Even worse when the baby is not exactly a looker and you have to think on your feet of something nice to say.

That really made me laugh. I just keep thinking of a big, baldy baby waiting to hear a compliment.
To be fair I don't think the babies are too much of a problem, to me the slightly older toddlers are a pain in the ass! - a friend of mine has a girl she's about 5 now and god forgive me but I have to stifle the urge to say something nasty to her or worse give her a good smack! - absolute brat who has to be the centre of attention all the time and I seem to be the only one who doesn't find her amusing or entertaining - I just find her irritating and vain, she's like one of those stage kids but other people stand around laughing and smiling! - maybe it's just me, or maybe the other people are really good actors!
I had to laugh at that, I'll take the human saliva any day, thanks. God knows where the dogs mouth has been, on parts of their anatomy, on parts of other dogs anatomies.. Ugh!

lol PaddyW - god knows where a babies hand has been, on parts of their anatomy, then into the mouth, then touching your face - eeeeuuuurrrrhhhh!!!
I nearly stood on someones anklebiter one day at work. She had brought the child in and let it crawl around the canteen, I didn't see her or the little one and nearly stood on its head! The mother was paying no attention and was surrounded by colleagues nodding sagely at her opinions on looking after a child.
i think if u have chikdren of ur own a man might be interested but its of interest to single males