Regrets, I have a few.

Doesn't it say a lot about the human condition that a discussion on the subject of regrets invariably develops into a coversation about sex?
Memo to 18yo self

Sell eircom at any level above offer price
Sell Bank of Ireland at €18.00

There's a million, well no, probably a couple of hundred of small things I would change if I had my time back, but I dont think I'd classify them as regrets as such. You know yourself, things you wouldnt say/wear/write/do again.

In terms of life's great choices, the source of bona fide regrets, I dont think I have any (so far, and touch wood etc).

Before I met my wife there was another (woman, not wife!), and in idle hours you'd wonder how that might have panned out, but then I'm happy with wife & kids, wouldnt change it, so thats more curiosity than regret.

A good way to think about it is, given what you knew at the time, are you still happy the decision was reasonable/the best guess.

As someone said hindsight is 20/20, I think a genuine regret needs to involve an objectively bad decision, as opposed to a reasonable decision that turned out bad because chance went against you e.g. the peak property buyers, no-one had a crystal ball, 90% of people were saying go for it, it seemed reasonable at the time, so I dont think you should beat yourself up too much about it. You were maybe more unlucky than foolish.
I'd have asked out the first girl I had a serious crush on (she was three years younger than me which was a big deal at that time; late teens). I'd had a few girlfriends but she was something special. She was a friends sister and looking back she probably felt the same way about me. She went to college in the UK and we lost touch. She was killed in an accident while travelling a few years after college. I went to the funeral and was overwhelmed with regrets, what if's and what might have been.

That's the one thing that stands out. Of course, like many people, I think of the things I might have done; I was accepted into the National College of Art and Design but turned it down for a "real job".
I really regret smoking heavily up to my late twenties.... :(

I played in a rock band for a few years. I packed that up too early.

And I stopped playing competitive soccer at 30. Should have kept going for a few years more.

Sometimes I regret not staying in the States........

But things worked out fairly well for me here and I wouldn't change too many aspects of the life I have now. :)
I'm still working on fixing my regrets.
My life is fine, but I am unfortunately wired to strive for the best.
I don't have regrets, as I'm perfectly content with my life at the minute and if I had done things differently, who knows what might have happened.

However, I had a chance to work in Hong Kong in the late 90s for 6 months and for one reason and another, didn't take it up. I lived in England for the 90s and spent all my holidays coming home, and as such, haven't travelled as much as I'd like to. I also regret getting injured and having to give up rugby, cause I was a pretty decent prop and whilst I would never have made it to the very top, I do believe I could have played to a decent high standard. And of course there are a few regrets about women, but then, would I have being given my 6 week old her bottle at 4am this morning?
I I also regret getting injured and having to give up rugby,

How can you "regret" getting injured? Of course you'd have preferred not to, but you didnt decide to get injured. Even if you were a bit reckless in a tackle or whatever, decisions on a pitch are always split second.

Where maybe you coudl have regrets re injuries is where you didnt prepare or train enough and so were more susceptible to injury (not sufficiently linked for regret I'd say) or, perhaps a more realistic one being a decision to come back playing when you werent sufficiently recovered from a previous injury - and even in that case its often probably pressure from coaches or teammates that makes that happen.
Oh, go on. Do none of you wish you'd run through fields with your hair blowing in the wind?? Or given everything up for your true love?? Or walked out of your safe job some boring Tuesday afternoon, hopped on a train and become a poet??
I And of course there are a few regrets about women, but then, would I have being given my 6 week old her bottle at 4am this morning?

Is this offfered in support of or against your regrets about women.:)
I wish that I'd have spent more time with older loved ones and learnt more about my family tree when they were still able to remember...
I wish that I'd have spent more time with older loved ones and learnt more about my family tree when they were still able to remember...
Spot on. When you are young you don't think of talking to older loved ones but everybody of advance years (like me) regrets when they are all dead and gone. So the moral of the story is, if you are young now, talk to your older relatives and get as much information as possible.
And of course there are a few regrets about women, but then, would I have being given my 6 week old her bottle at 4am this morning?
I've got one of those as well! - 6 weeks old. :D
I was busy winding at 5:30am

Regrets are strange really. Maybe following the other path would have worked out terrible.