Difference in tax payable when invested outside EU


Registered User
A Chairde,

Was wondering if there are any difference in Capital Gains Tax with investments within the EU , or external to it.

Have seen some threads indicating there are differences ...
You may be liable for Capital Gains Tax in the foreign country as well as in Ireland - each country may or may not have a Double Taxation Treaty with Ireland which will lay down the rules and whether tax in one country may be offset against tax in another.
You may be liable for Capital Gains Tax in the foreign country as well as in Ireland - each country may or may not have a Double Taxation Treaty with Ireland which will lay down the rules and whether tax in one country may be offset against tax in another.

There is no tax on investing gains here is Switzerland, if you are classified as an investor as opposed to a trader - more than 10 traders per month makes you a trader....

There is no tax on investing gains here is Switzerland, if you are classified as an investor as opposed to a trader - more than 10 traders per month makes you a trader....

If i'm reading this post correctly, I would have doubts. All profits made from share trading as an investor are subject to CGT. As per the post by jpd, you had best check as to whether a double taxation treaty exists where the country you held your investments were.
Short answer yes it depends.

The tax you pay depends on factors such as what you buy where it is domiciled where you are domiciled and where you are resident.

You can also end up with penalties and interest on unpaid tax if you get it wrong so perhaps this is another area where diy investing should be avoided and where paying for competent guidance is worthwhile.
Thanks for the replies Lads

Ireland has double taxation agreements for Switzerland / USA .... Countries I am looking at

Juat got spooked with other threads mentioning taxes ..