

Registered User
A friend of mine who's just had a baby logged on to this site and thought they were all mad. I went on our of curiosity and agree. Does anyone use it and find it good? There's a section called 'Am I Being Unreasonable' and it makes us look as if we all went to finishing school, we're so polite. They would EAT US ALIVE. makes us look as if we all went to finishing school, we're so polite.

You mean you didnt? Oh dear :)

I had a look at it there - it seems to be pretty lonely people just having a rant online about silly things - maybe they have no one to have a real live rant to. I dont understand some of the abbreviations used so perhaps theyre madder than I realise.
I've been on there the odd time, wife used go on there when she was expecting and found some of it useful and some of it quite strange, to say the least. Having said that, and speaking of someone who has a 4 week old baby that did projectile pooping last week when wifey was changing a nappy, all I can say is don't underestimate the views and opinions of tired hormonal women