A very shrewd comment on the "Irish Condition"

Betsy Og

Registered User
An extract from the famous Vanity Fair article. While its worth a smile as an anecdote, in this era of mounting suicides it is a gentle reminder that talking can help. This advice probably relates more to Irish men than women.

"Two things strike every Irish person when he comes to America, Irish friends tell me: the vastness of the country, and the seemingly endless desire of its people to talk about their personal problems. Two things strike an American when he comes to Ireland: how small it is and how tight-lipped. An Irish person with a personal problem takes it into a hole with him, like a squirrel with a nut before winter. He tortures himself and sometimes his loved ones too. What he doesn’t do, if he has suffered some reversal, is vent about it to the outside world. The famous Irish gift of gab is a cover for all the things they aren’t telling you."
I dunno, I think we are able to (verbally) vent with the best of them. Listen to the anger of people over the last couple of years on all forms of media. It's a glib observation he's making and we're lacking in two significant tools Americans sometimes use to resolve issues: proper bankruptcy laws and the gun. I'm not advocating for the latter but if we'd had the former we might be in a less worse off place at the moment.
Americans do have a reputation for 'over sharing'. I think most Irish people do talk about their problems, but not with the barman, the checkout girl, the new guy at work etc.
The famous Irish gift of gab is a cover for all the things they aren’t telling you."

Americans do have a reputation for 'over sharing'. I think most Irish people do talk about their problems, but not with the barman, the checkout girl, the new guy at work etc.

I agree with both of these.

My work colleagues or other acquaintances would not have a clue about most of my personal life and feelings. My friends would know some, my family more and my wife everything - god love her.