Bank cashier says my lodgment is short!!?


Registered User

Today I made a substantial commercial lodgment at the cashiers desk at my bank. I would like to stress that I am very careful when it comes to lodgments and in usually count them twice before leaving for the bank, as I did on this occasion.

The cashier who dealt with me counted the money in front of me using for most a machine. She counted and re-bundled the money and put it into her “vault “ under her desk. She then initialed and stamped my lodgment slip and book.

Job done….

Well not quite, about an hour later the same cashier rang to tell me that my lodgment was in fact short by 1000 euro. When I pointed out that I had counted the money twice before leaving and that she had counted it again and got the same figure, the gist seemed to be “sorry I made a mistake while you were here but in fact the lodgment is short.” I also pointed out that the 5000 euro bundle of 50’s which she says is short was counted individually by her using the machine and that she herself bundled it again into those paper rings that are made to be just the right size for the amount of notes. Surely she would have noticed at that point something was not right?!

If this were a night safe lodgment of course I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on as you have to sign away your right to argue there, but this was a counter lodgment.

I agreed to go and check my shop safe and do a balance in the morning. If I find I’m 1000 over I will eat humble pie here and notify the bank immediately, but I very much disliked the inference that after checking the monies and agreeing a sum they can go back on it for a counter lodgment.

My question is …. since I have an initialed and stamped lodgment slip, can they “adjust” my account after the fact just like that?
I can't see how they can ... you have a stamped receipt to prove it.

If anything, the teller has made a mess of it.

Keep us updated.
I would have insisted on speaking to a manager.

How many times do we see in banks, post offices, shops etc please check your money before you leave the counter as errors cannot be corrected afterwards.

She counted the money - which is part of her job, you got a signed off receipt so end off. It is her error if one was made. Who's to say it wasn't in her bag at the end of the day!
but I very much disliked the inference that after checking the monies and agreeing a sum they can go back on it for a counter lodgment.

My question is …. since I have an initialed and stamped lodgment slip, can they “adjust” my account after the fact just like that?

None of us would trust a bank if they were able to do that.

1000 is too much for a machine or yourself to have made such an error. Sounds like the teller has a lot of explaining to do to both you and her manager. It is her responsibility to count the money correctly and any discrepancy pointed out in person on the spot.
I worked as a cashier for many years. I counted the money in front of the person. If it was short I handled the bundle back to the person to be counted. I then took back the bundle and counted it a third time. As an experienced cashier I could tell just by holding a bundle of money if it was short. When you handle bundles of money there is no way that you wouldn't notice €1000 short. It shouts out at you.
The counted bundles of money were always held in front of both cashier and customer and then counted in bulk in front of both. When you were both satisfied it was then put away.
When we took in £5 bags of coin and if the bag was short a few coins you could also tell just by the weight in your hand if the bag was short before properly weighing it.
I even remember counting bundles of money and spotting the forged £10 easy enough. Just the feel of the note told you.
There is no way that you should accept what this person has told you.
Hi all,

Just to keep all those who are interested updated.

I did my safe balance and while I would love to say it was conclusive... I cannot.
I was not however over 1000 euro so when the cashier rang to see if I had found anything I told her the facts.

I then asked what was the position of the bank now, and she replied that the lodgment would stand.

So I'm happy that they are not going attempt to withdraw from my account without my permission.

I do worry now about the nightsafe lodgments and will have to be even more vigillant.
I had a similar incident where the teller counted the money twice and told me the amount I was lodging and what the new balance would be and when I left the bank I noticed the receipt was €100 short.

I phoned the bank and asked them to check the error by checking the till or looking at the video recordings because the teller counted the money note by note twice. After a day the bank phoned me saying that there was no discrepancy in the till and the video did not show clearly but they put the missing money in my account. I was a bit annoyed as they tried to claim that I hadn't lodged the money when I had, but at least they corrected the mistake.