Want a laugh? Try "The Onion"


Registered User
Anyone else watch America's satirical "News" channel "The Onion ?" Just spent an hour laughing out loud as they take the mick out of politics & social issues. If you need a laugh and to escape the Election don't reach for a proszac, try the onion.http://www.theonion.com/
I'm a big fan but any time I've posted a link to it on AAM there's been little interest.
I'm a big fan but any time I've posted a link to it on AAM there's been little interest.

Purple, maybe AAM posters are a way to serious bunch weighed down with Celtic pessimism :rolleyes: We should do a survey on how many AAM posters have read "Angela's Ashes" !
Yes that "Irish Mist" article dates from the 1990's. Ive posted links to the onion here over the last decade.

I follow the onion on twitter.
I found it only found it funny because Im aware of the popular variagated green soap brand in the US.. Irish Rain?, or Irish Shower? or Irish Mist? or something like that.
I find their video news very funny.
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"Tech trends" is particularly on the button: (The Onion is largely thirty-something male geek humour, in the first place...)
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