Job losses


Registered User
UP to 350 jobs to go at PTSB,

100 jobs gone at PALL in Tipperary

Two shops in the Waterstones group to close in Dublin.

The Sunday tribune goes into receivership..

Where will it all end!
When the only jobs left are in the Public Service and they'll be paying all our dole (and mortgage interest, rent, medical cards, home heating bills, etc etc)
The Sunday tribune goes into receivership..

It's a pity for the Tribune it is not printing a sunday paper for the next 4 weeks with the election campaign under way. They may have seen an increase in it's circulation.
Good point Shawady..
On another point the PTSB are to lose up to 350 jobs,and at the same time are raising their variable interest rate by 1%.

This means for anyone with a mortgage of 300k there will be an increase in repayments of 185 euro.
That is an horrific amount of money on top of a mortgage payment,USC etc.
I reckon the job losses due to the massive increase will put even more out of work!