Pondering the "How come" ..


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How come its OK to say to someone;

Your getting too thin..but not OK to say ,your getting too fat?

How come its Ok to say to someone GOD you are tall,but not My GOD you are small?

How come its Ok to say ,look at that rich swine in his merc but not OK to say look at that poor person in his Lada?( fill in your own type of car)see its not really OK!:eek:

How come its Ok to say ,all the snobs in foxrock/Blackrock, but not say all the skangers in Clondalkin/limerick wherever.(fill in your own area) see its really not OK.:eek:

How come is Ok to say that someone is a D4 head with a posh accent yet not Ok to say ,they are a skanger with a common accent?

OK some of them are not correct but you get the idea?
Its obviously not Ok but seems to be accepted in a lot of cases.
Im wondering how many other "How comes" there are out there,and if anyone else has any they can add .
I wonder why someone can go on radio and annihilate those who have better cars/houses/holidays/income etc and yet if the shoe were on the other foot....
I can't think of any "How comes" but speaking as a small person, people regularly point out to me that I'm small! maybe I'm hanging around with the wrong kind of people.
Your getting too thin..but not OK to say ,your getting too fat?

Every Irish mammy has told her son, god you're wasting away, sit down now and I'll get you a dinner :)
Not so much if you're too fat

How come its Ok to say ,all the snobs in foxrock/Blackrock, but not say all the skangers in Clondalkin/limerick wherever.(fill in your own area) see its really not OK.:eek:

Skobes in Limerick, not skangers
As a tall person I cant tell you how many times I have been asked, in a supermarket, "You're tall - can you get that product for me up there?".

I want to respond by "Youre small - can you get that product for me down there?"
I want to respond by "Youre small - can you get that product for me down there?"

When I worked in a supermarket I used to get a lot of 'youve small hands - will you reach into this disgusting filthy blocked small area and fish out whatevers blocking it?'
Speaking of things you can say to people a lady in work announced her pregnancy and two other colleagues when she told them individually asked her "oh was it planned or a surprise" I was in a total state of shock someone would ask that and when I told them that they just didn't get that it was an inappropriate question..... Some people just don't know what is ok or not to say.
Just to add - the two who asked that were by no means close to the pregnant lady or very friendly, just colleagues. The pregnant lady is in her 30's not that it should matter.
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what was she going to reply No it's a big surprise / accident and my partner is not impressed and I'm gutted and cried lots but getting used to it now thanks for asking......
I think a Congratulations and all the best with the pregnancy is the better response to a colleague announcing a pregnancy.
Maybe you're not missing something truthseeker, maybe I'm the one who's missing that it's actually a normal question?? Curious to see what others think??
what was she going to reply No it's a big surprise / accident and my partner is not impressed and I'm gutted and cried lots but getting used to it now thanks for asking......
I think a Congratulations and all the best with the pregnancy is the better response to a colleague announcing a pregnancy.
Maybe you're not missing something truthseeker, maybe I'm the one who's missing that it's actually a normal question?? Curious to see what others think??

hmmm...hadnt really looked at it that way, was more thinking along the lines that if someone was planning it theyd be extra delighted.

Its bizarre (maybe) but I would have just thought in this day and age that if people didnt want to be pregnant they either wouldnt get pregnant in the first place by using one of a variety of contraceptives or they would terminate the pregnancy in early stages and never announce it in work. If theyre at the point of announcing it Id assume they were happy with the situation - planned or not.

Maybe Im just not sensitive to these things!!!
Clearly, Truthseeker, you are not reading enough bad fiction ( where the heroine has a tumble with an international playboy, then finds herself unexpectedly pregnant due to his biology defying virility- but when she finally has to confess her bottom lip, which by the way is full and lucious, trembles in part fear, part lust).

Or you're not hanging around with teenagers. One of those.
Clearly, Truthseeker, you are not reading enough bad fiction ( where the heroine has a tumble with an international playboy, then finds herself unexpectedly pregnant due to his biology defying virility- but when she finally has to confess her bottom lip, which by the way is full and lucious, trembles in part fear, part lust).

Or you're not hanging around with teenagers. One of those.

Ah - not doing either!!

Now in context - Fizzelina did say the woman was in her 30s - hence me just assuming my above post.

If a teenager came into work and announced they were pregnant Id never even consider it was planned so definitely wouldnt ask!!
Anyway, to get back to the point -

I used to be very very skinny (sigh) and got fed up of people commenting openly on how thin I was. I couldn't understand how they didn't realise that I felt just as sensitive about that as a fat person would about being overweight.
Its seems that inverted snobbery, sexism and even racism is ok.

It’s ok to look down on/make fun of the well off.
Sexism is rampant in advertising but it’s ok because men are on the receiving end (the current radio ad for the holiday world exhibition it a good example; if the woman was on the receiving end there'd be murder).

Basically all the old biases and bigotry is ok as long as it is not directed against the old targets.
When my wife was pregnant with our second child someone asked if we had been trying long

It was an awkward silence when I replied "about 2 minutes"
Its seems that inverted snobbery, sexism and even racism is ok.

It’s ok to look down on/make fun of the well off.
Sexism is rampant in advertising but it’s ok because men are on the receiving end (the current radio ad for the holiday world exhibition it a good example; if the woman was on the receiving end there'd be murder).

Basically all the old biases and bigotry is ok as long as it is not directed against the old targets.

I believe it's called "positive discrimination" - God how I hate that phrase

Just another way of saying "positive racism" or "positive sexism"
what was she going to reply No it's a big surprise / accident and my partner is not impressed and I'm gutted and cried lots but getting used to it now thanks for asking......

I used to know a couple where the wife was adamant that she must have been unknowingly taken in the night to cause her third pregnancy.... and would tell anyone and everyone...!!!