Pre Christmas joke


Registered User
Jimmy is driving along in the snow and suddenly slides into the car in front, causing a nice dent. The angry owner stops and jumps out and Jimmy could see straight away that the guy was a dwarf.

He glared at Jimmy "I'm not happy" he said.

"OK I give up" says Jimmy," which one are you?"

Jimmy is driving along in the snow and suddenly slides into the car in front, causing a nice dent. The angry owner stops and jumps out and Jimmy could see straight away that the guy was a dwarf.

He glared at Jimmy "I'm not happy" he said.

"OK I give up" says Jimmy," which one are you?"


Vury good and glad to see the return of the jokes here - we were getting all too serious recently.
My dad was really tightfisted. One Christmas he gave me an empty box and told me it was an Action Man deserter kit.
Apparently Joseph and Mary had a big arguement before leaving for Bethlehem. Mary wanted to spend more time packing her suitcases but Joseph wanted to hurry to beat the Christmas traffic.
Apparently Joseph and Mary had a big arguement before leaving for Bethlehem. Mary wanted to spend more time packing her suitcases but Joseph wanted to hurry to beat the Christmas traffic.

I don't get it. Is there a line missing (ie the punchline)?