Office Party


Registered User
Anyone else get a lovely 'mitching off' feeling when you know everyone else is at the boring office party talking worky crap, getting mouldy drunk, and heading out into the cold at 2am to look for a taxi and you're snuggled up in bed all warm, with a new book and a club milk and no hangover to look forward to. Or am I just sad and getting old??
Next you'll be telling us you spend five minutes carefully nibbling off all the chocolate around the edges before starting on the biscuit proper.
Next you'll be telling us you spend five minutes carefully nibbling off all the chocolate around the edges before starting on the biscuit proper.

I don't understand.

Sure, what else would you do with it?;)

I love the office party. Ours was last week. No messin', good craic with a good bunch of people!
I hate the 'organised' party, with an overpriced turkey-and-ham dinner and some cringing cabaret band. I like the idea of heading to the pub to relax with good colleagues, but I missed this year's session due to other business.
I love the office party. Ours was last week. No messin', good craic with a good bunch of people!
Ours is usually good. The day we finish for Christmas is also good.

I hate the 'organised' party, with an overpriced turkey-and-ham dinner and some cringing cabaret band. I like the idea of heading to the pub to relax with good colleagues, but I missed this year's session due to other business.

I hope you'll pay tax on the nixer! ;)