Whatever happened to Post Codes ?


Registered User
Will Minister Ryan inflict his idea of a postcode system on us during his last days in power ? And in doing so save D4 the indignity of diluting their precious address?
Hopefully he will drop it and let the new Minister, whoever it may be, implement a cost-effective, GPS based unique identifer system using technology that already exists!!
Wish they'd hurry up with postcodes. I'm sick of having to spell every line of my address on the phone to people.
What's the rush with post codes or even the necessity?

An Post actually do a pretty good job - heavy reliance on local knowledge, through necessity makes them quite efficient by European standards. It's old fashioned, but it works.

The addition of post codes and over reliance on them will lead to the subtraction of cop on and common sense.

Look at the Royal Mail in the UK - they are an utter disaster, at least part of which can be attributed to automaton-like post code fixation.
Look at the Royal Mail in the UK - they are an utter disaster, at least part of which can be attributed to automaton-like post code fixation.

Utter disaster? Bit hyperbolic, they have their issues like every other delivery company. Generally I find it more than fine, in fact when you track packages on average they leave the UK and arrive in Dublin in a day and then take 3 days to make their way 10 miles away from the Dublin sorting office to my house. And that's reversed when positing from here.

It's fine that the local postie is able to differentiate between addresses and names without postcodes, but that's not the same when they are first handled at a huge sorting office. Postcodes are meant to make that process quicker and more efficient and in the main they do.
Generally I find it more than fine.

Well OK but not my experience for the last 12 years in business (and personally for that matter).

I think they are the worst post system in western Europe apart from Spain.
There are some signs on walls in the East Wall area which say 'Post Code this area' followed by some letters and numbers like NNQ1 PY123 QI.