The weather

God I hope not, sure your car would be trashed....


Oops, maybe I misheard that on the radio!

That's just the male posters from this site who stalk you. :p


Actually, come to think of it, the first time I saw my now husband was when a car I had broke down. So any single AAMers out there, think of the snow/bad roads as a possible opportunity! The kind of guy who stops to help you when your car breaks down is usually the decent sort. ( or a psycho- I take no responsibility for this possibility, carry mace).
To be fair......I would not need mace....can scare them off with a look. most of the guys I have encountered over the past week have been gents and more than willing to help. Twice I got really stuck, one guy came right across to say his wife had sent him out because that girl is stuck there, eventually I got out.

At one point, I got stuck in the entrance to the estate. Could not go forward or back and blocked up everything. I lost the plot completely when someone tried to just go around me...I'd say the poor guy is still smarting from the onslaught.

Not happy with people serving up, how come my 99D got up the hill, when your newer car got stuck......I just blame the sports suspension and high torque/ low profile tyres for the mad spinning.

it is not one of those times where I might find love as a single person, I can safely say am not showing my best side during this weather and cant wait for it to go.
At one point, I got stuck in the entrance to the estate. Could not go forward or back and blocked up everything. I lost the plot completely when someone tried to just go around me...I'd say the poor guy is still smarting from the onslaught.

Sorry but why was overtaking you such an issue?
If you are stationary and not moving and they are able to get up the hill then what were they supposed to do?

I'd have overtaken you if a gap was there.

But I'd walk back and help you once my car was parked :)
Because I think the rules are that you can only overtake when it is safe to do so. My car was sliding almost around in a circle and forwards and back as well as up and down. It is crazy to drive towards a spinning car that the driver is not in control of. Because of the way the road was uphill with sheets of ice there was not enough room to get past and one car at a time had to clear the entrance either in or out. The road in the estate was so icy uphill that it was one way only. Most people just decided to live with it and wait but there is always one.
All things being equal, some people are much better 'ice drivers' than others. You have to train yourself how to best handle ice conditions.
All things being equal, some people are much better 'ice drivers' than others. You have to train yourself how to best handle ice conditions.

Was actually just saying to someone during the week that this was not one of my skills. Was lucky that I was able to swop cars and get a loan car - mine had very high torque which did not help spinning wheels, so was a bit better then, but will not be writing good ice driver on my cv anytime soon. Another guy in work offered advice - then heard he landed up in ditch next day!
Is there more of it on the way ?

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So I think the way this is evolving at present, we should be fairly confident of a widespread snow cover developing in Ireland during the four days Thursday to Sunday before a two to three day storm window of opportunity

I don't know how accurate this guy's forecasts have been in the past. Hopefully this one will prove to be off-target.
Tarfhead - his predictions are accurate, he got the last dumping of snow over ireland correct before Met eireann did, he lives in Vancouver and if you go to the weather section in and look for the daily weather forcasts from MT Cranium. Last week he was reading charts and predicting that the snow would come back bad and that there was a chance of a storm before christmas day/eve.
Tarfhead - his predictions are accurate, he got the last dumping of snow over ireland correct before Met eireann did, he lives in Vancouver and if you go to the weather section in and look for the daily weather forcasts from MT Cranium. Last week he was reading charts and predicting that the snow would come back bad and that there was a chance of a storm before christmas day/eve.

I've been reading MT Cranium's posts on for a few weeks now and he has been on the money every time. He has said numerous times that we are set for a winter storm around the 20-21st Dec and the cold weather predicted for this weekend is only the start of it, with many calling it the "Greenland Express" with slow moving heavy snow behind it.

Originally Posted by M.T. Cranium - 15th Nov 2010
Time to confirm what I've been hinting at here and in the daily forecast thread.

My long-range seasonal outlook calls for colder than normal temperatures for most of the winter months, and higher than normal snowall amounts.

Expect periods of very cold weather to develop late November and through much of December as blocking high pressure becomes well established over the Baltic regions. While the Atlantic will occasionally push back and bring milder, wet conditions, the frequency of east winds and cold combined with a storm track close to the south coast of Ireland and into the southern half of the U.K. should make for frequent snowfalls in many parts of Ireland and the U.K. Predicting temperatures to average 1.5 to 2.0 C below normal in December and some stretches possibly sub-freezing, with snowfall likely before Christmas making for a white Christmas for many.

The January outlook calls for this cold to deepen for part of the month before a brief reversal indicated by some of the research index values. Therefore the month may feature some major winter storms mid-month as this pattern reversal begins. Despite the milder end, the month is likely to continue to average below normal by about the same amount as December, 1-2 C and possibly more.

February was less conclusive from the research index values but unless the January reversal is highly energetic, could see the blocking redeveloping and leading to a colder than normal February as well.

Given the strength of cold in the outlook and the dependence of mean winter temperatures on snow cover near the lower end of the spectrum, one cannot rule out a sort of near-extreme or even extreme outcome, since mean monthly temperatures below 2.0 tend to promote continuous snow cover and therefore a fairly easy slide down to sub-freezing values from the same air masses as are present for 2-3 C.

In other words, I'm predicting a cold winter with lots of snow, that could become an epic winter. Stay tuned.

One other detail to note, the storm frequency from my research should be on a fairly well-modulated 3.5-day cycle with stronger events every seven days or so (this is not exact so it won't work out to the same day every week). The stronger events are likely to produce their share of slow-moving but deep "Channel" or French lows promoting a strong east wind and outbreaks of snow. One of the better scenarios I foresee for snowfall comes with the December full moon and "northern max" event of 21 December. This is bound to produce an intense storm over western Europe and I am giving something like 2-1 odds for this to be a cold weather storm event with at least some snow or sleet in the mix for Ireland, whereas if the pattern happens to be stuck on mild then, look for a very mild and windy sort of event followed by much colder weather.

In general, through the mid-winter period, the stormy episodes will fall at full and new moons, and approximately mid-way between them with a second set of high-energy peaks. This pattern will continue into late winter but with the secondary energy peaks decoupling from the primary (full/new) this gives a more frequent distribution of storms that, if coupled with a cold pattern in February, could lead to a steady parade of disturbances around the southern flanks of blocking high pressure to the north and northeast.

Anyone interested in a more detailed forecast could find one later today on Net-weather posted by my research associate and friend, Blast from the Past as he is known to the weather forum world. That will be UK-centric but after all, the winter patterns are bound to be quite similar, and the general theme appears to be cold winning out over mild again this winter.

Looks like this pattern could be setting up gradually later this month, and I would not be surprised if there is some snow even in late November.
Ronan...thats the one........i love reading the weather forum over there on boards when a weather event like this comes along.......the discussion about the to read them....will there be snow...wont there etc. etc. along with the usual posts of will there be snow in such and such a place queries........
along with the usual posts of will there be snow in such and such a place queries........

those posts are very funny, like "will it be snowing in Main Street Clonmel at 2.15pm next monday because I have to walk the dog at exactly that time and only on that road and if it snows his little feet will get very cold and he doesnt have any snow shoes"

White Christmas on the cards?

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Who is on for an Christmas Day dip in the sea?
Of course it will be. It's Teatime. If somehow nettles were to be found growing in the sea it would be a double Christmas for him!

I dunno, I usually do it at the prom in Salthill and there are hundreds of others - I don't want to spend Christmas Day in jail again ;). And I am afraid of jellyfish...