The weather

I arrived out of the DART station last night, on my way home, and there was a 'blizzard'. I just could not stop smiling and wanted to punch the air like in 'Rocky'. This is the best snow of my lifetime and I'm so happy that my kids are able to get out and enjoy it and appreciate it. This is the snow by which all other snow, in their lives, will be measured.
I arrived out of the DART station last night, on my way home, and there was a 'blizzard'. I just could not stop smiling and wanted to punch the air like in 'Rocky'. This is the best snow of my lifetime and I'm so happy that my kids are able to get out and enjoy it and appreciate it. This is the snow by which all other snow, in their lives, will be measured.

Jaysus, gimme a bit of that enthusiasm please!

Hmmm, have you stopped listening to the news and started listening to uplifting music or suchlike?;)
For the first time during this current spell, I'm now really feeling the cold.

Despite being in a warm office for the past hour and a half my feet are still freezing.

C'mon Vanilla, you're a solicitor - surely I sue someone over this? ;)
C'mon Vanilla, you're a solicitor - surely I sue someone over this? ;)

I'd say you have a brilliant idea there, why not take a test case?

Just let me have, ohh, fifty grand up front to cover stamp duty, senior and junior brief fees and legal costs ( that's for starters) and away we go. Could be a big payout involved.*

*No guarantee of success, terms and conditions apply.
No, only in Ireland would cities grind to a halt and have major disruption with a few cm of snow

Not exactly. Gatwick has been closed for two days. Even the SIPTU Airport Authority were able to keep Dublin airport open most of the time.

People in other parts of the Yookay, where everything is supposedly perfect, are complaining bitterly about "Where are the gritters?". At least, that's what is says in The Daily Mail, and you can believe what they say!!
For the first time during this current spell, I'm now really feeling the cold.

Despite being in a warm office for the past hour and a half my feet are still freezing.

I recommend regular quick dips in the sea - it will improve your circulation no end.
Even a small "prang" costs money to fix. Which is in short supply at the minute. Worse again if you prang someone else. Claim your insurance and NCB gone. My car is only four months old and cost over 35k. I would prefer not to damage it or myself or someone else.

I would actually prefer to leave my car in the driveway and take public transport to work, thus avoiding driving and skanger attacks, but I have to brave it as there is no direct link to work. Maybe 2 buses, but not even sure if they are operating. Tried to leave my car in the office the other night for these reasons and take a taxi, but none working.

As for the kids attacking people with snowballs - I have witnessed skangers (not kids) opening peoples doors, trying to steal stuff from their cars, pelting people in the face with snow/iceballs on my way to work. Motorists, already stressed enough, are caught in non moving traffic and are stationary targets for these cowards. I note they usually go for lone drivers, preferably female or older generation.

My sister saw a gang of mid teens (male and female) attack a man who opened his car door and stepped out to tell them to cop on. Scuffle ensued with car driver left with bloody face. She is still in shock - said she never witnessed anything like it. This happened outside a secondary school.

Listened to a man in tears on Joe Duffy who witnessed a cyclist being attacked in a similar manner in Dublin and felt powerless to help. It is only a matter of time before someone is killed as a result of an altracation, or throwing stuff at cars/in front of cars/at buses. Why is the snow being used as an excuse to allow people be assaulted in the name of fun. But sure its only a snowball indeed.
Jereze, I was being flippant! This is 'Shooting the Breeze' after all! I'm depressed now......
Jaysus, gimme a bit of that enthusiasm please!

While there are people who are seriously inconvenienced by the weather conditions, there are many more who are not, particularly with the weekend ahead of us.

Get out there, enjoy it. Who knows when we'll have the chance again ?
I'm depressed now......

Just look on the positive side of the whole situation and you won't be depressed.

I saw so many people helping car owners the other day in our local shopping centre. Digging the cars out of thick snow and pushing the cars also (even though as we all know that's very dangerous).

Watched an item on telly last night about people driving in terrible conditions to help old people stranded in their homes.

There will always be the yobs who make us all feel depressed but for every one of those there are so many more who are pulling together and helping each other out.

Lecture over :)
Jereze, I was being flippant! This is 'Shooting the Breeze' after all! I'm depressed now......

Sorry - I am a major nark is this weather - it is really bringing out the worst in me. I got stuck going home into the entrance to the estate last night and could not go forward or back. Some poor bloke tried to go around me and he felt the force of a rant!

Tip to self : 18" wheels with low profile alloys not great in the sneachta.

Am in better form now I have just borrowed something more suitable for the weather!

Still hope it goes though!
@Sue-Ellen- good point. Heard a nice story on the radio this am about Brian O'Driscoll helping to single handedly push a car over a bridge for a lady who was stuck. Fair play to him as you would think someone like him would have to 'mind' himself too in case of injury.

Mind you as a female driver in Ireland, I've no complaints about the male population here- anytime I ever had a flat tyre or broke down I've always had offers of help.
Heard a nice story on the radio this am about Brian O'Driscoll helping to single handedly push a car over a bridge for a lady who was stuck.

I heard that story. Given that he helped, he's great. If he hadn't, he'd be damned. Either way she was getting her random encounter onto the airwaves.
Looks like there's a bit of a thaw in west dublin this afternoon.

Hopefully it'll keep melting. The novelty has worn off for me at this stage and the advantage of skiving off work is gone for the weekend :)
If this weather is what we can expect into the future (or "going forward" to use a much-hated cliché!!), I'm going to save up for a 4x4 !
If this weather is what we can expect into the future (or "going forward" to use a much-hated cliché!!), I'm going to save up for a 4x4 !

Am due a change in the new year too and was just thinking the same thing!
Mind you as a female driver in Ireland, I've no complaints about the male population here- anytime I ever had a flat tyre or broke down I've always had offers of help.

That's just the male posters from this site who stalk you. :p
Even a small "prang" costs money to fix. Which is in short supply at the minute. Worse again if you prang someone else. Claim your insurance and NCB gone. My car is only four months old and cost over 35k. I would prefer not to damage it or myself or someone else.

I would actually prefer to leave my car in the driveway and take public transport to work, thus avoiding driving and skanger attacks, but I have to brave it as there is no direct link to work. Maybe 2 buses, but not even sure if they are operating. Tried to leave my car in the office the other night for these reasons and take a taxi, but none working.

As for the kids attacking people with snowballs - I have witnessed skangers (not kids) opening peoples doors, trying to steal stuff from their cars, pelting people in the face with snow/iceballs on my way to work. Motorists, already stressed enough, are caught in non moving traffic and are stationary targets for these cowards. I note they usually go for lone drivers, preferably female or older generation.

My sister saw a gang of mid teens (male and female) attack a man who opened his car door and stepped out to tell them to cop on. Scuffle ensued with car driver left with bloody face. She is still in shock - said she never witnessed anything like it. This happened outside a secondary school.

Listened to a man in tears on Joe Duffy who witnessed a cyclist being attacked in a similar manner in Dublin and felt powerless to help. It is only a matter of time before someone is killed as a result of an altracation, or throwing stuff at cars/in front of cars/at buses. Why is the snow being used as an excuse to allow people be assaulted in the name of fun. But sure its only a snowball indeed.

Apparently a few brats have been expelled from Templeogue College for indulging in this carry on during lunch break. No doubt their parents are defending them right, left and centre 'ah shure, they were only messing about. They're young.'