The weather

Terrible? No

No, only in Ireland would cities grind to a halt and have major disruption with a few cm of snow

But elsewhere in rural areas people have it rough, commutes can be close to impossible
At least it has knocked the Bailout/4-year plan/IMF issue off the top news story.
It must be all that global warming the green brigade keep telling us about.
Isn't the weather terrible these days ?

I disagree. I live in a rural area and its gorgeous outside. Ok the driving is a bit slow but I rather slow to the usual speed and we're all experienced ice drivers after last years freeze...I want the snow to last until the weekend so I can build a decent snowman.

Dont forget to feed the birds though. They would have eaten out of my hands this morning I reckon.
hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it.

Hate the inconvenience of it, hate the cold, hate walking on it, hate being so tense in the car that my back is in spasm by the time i get out, hate having to leave so much earlier to get to work, hate that my outside activities are curtailed (have not gotten to the gym yet this week and my pilates was cancelled), hate slipping and sliding all over the pavement at work and outside my front door, hate that life has become reduced to a terrifying drive to work, a terrifying drive home from work and then stuck in the house all evening.

I like feeding the birdies though :)
Absolutely hate it. Terrified getting in and out of work every day, total nightmare.
love it, love it, love it, love it !!! Driving is much more fun, kids joyfully playing - saw 2 young girls being pulled by their dad (I assume) on a sleigh earlier, have a look at rte website for the photo gallery & so on...
I love it. When you hate snow you are officially a grown-up and I'm not even 40 yet so I'm way off that!

I love walking in it, I love how it looks and I love playing with the kids in it.
The driving is a bit of a problem but the worst that can happen is I have to walk to and from work. That's about 2 hours each way on foot but it's all part of the adventure.
I loved it right up to about 3 minutes ago when I heard Dublin Bus has packed it in and there is a nearly 90 minute delay on homebound Waterford services :( joyfully playing

D'ont know where you are, but all we have on our work route are skangers trying to open our car doors when we are stuck to pelt people with iceballs, eggs or steal their stuff out of cars.

Two different people phoned me from the office who had left to tell me not to leave because they had been attacked by local "children" I phoned the Gardai for them, who told me, unfortunately they would be unable to get up there because of weather and he did not know why people did not have their doors locked!!!
The local kids have turned my walk home from the shops into snipers alley
They stand in the park on a slope and fire down on their target below
Yeah, I can give it back if it's a lad or two but not a gang of seven or eight

If there is one good thing, going out for a walk is a good workout, stretch those calves!
MandaC, we're in Kildare. Got buckets of snow. Genuinely saw those 2 kids I mentioned.

Yes there are some older "kids" who are mostly interested in causing mayhem but sod them.
......I am in Kildare too and in fairness and most of our smaller kiddies are making the most of things as well. It's only when I go to Dublin to work that I have any issues en route.

Am awake now at 3am dreading the terror drive to work again. I am with the people who hate, hate, hate, this weather and hope it ends soon.
Absolutely hate it. Terrified getting in and out of work every day, total nightmare.
Why are you terrifed. The fact is that nobody has been killed on our roads since the bad weather blew in, has there? .... terrifed of what? a small prang at 20k per hour?
hate having to leave so much earlier to get to work, hate that my outside activities are curtailed
Why not sit at home and destress looking out the window at teh picture-postcard scenes while gently exercising? Mocuh better than Pilates

Kids 'attacking' adults with snowballs. What is the world coming to? Next thing is they'll be putting stones in the middle of the snowballs .....
Why are you terrifed. The fact is that nobody has been killed on our roads since the bad weather blew in, has there? .... terrifed of what? a small prang at 20k per hour?

Why not sit at home and destress looking out the window at teh picture-postcard scenes while gently exercising? Mocuh better than Pilates

Kids 'attacking' adults with snowballs. What is the world coming to? Next thing is they'll be putting stones in the middle of the snowballs .....

Even a small "prang" costs money to fix. Which is in short supply at the minute. Worse again if you prang someone else. Claim your insurance and NCB gone. My car is only four months old and cost over 35k. I would prefer not to damage it or myself or someone else.

I would actually prefer to leave my car in the driveway and take public transport to work, thus avoiding driving and skanger attacks, but I have to brave it as there is no direct link to work. Maybe 2 buses, but not even sure if they are operating. Tried to leave my car in the office the other night for these reasons and take a taxi, but none working.

As for the kids attacking people with snowballs - I have witnessed skangers (not kids) opening peoples doors, trying to steal stuff from their cars, pelting people in the face with snow/iceballs on my way to work. Motorists, already stressed enough, are caught in non moving traffic and are stationary targets for these cowards. I note they usually go for lone drivers, preferably female or older generation.

My sister saw a gang of mid teens (male and female) attack a man who opened his car door and stepped out to tell them to cop on. Scuffle ensued with car driver left with bloody face. She is still in shock - said she never witnessed anything like it. This happened outside a secondary school.

Listened to a man in tears on Joe Duffy who witnessed a cyclist being attacked in a similar manner in Dublin and felt powerless to help. It is only a matter of time before someone is killed as a result of an altracation, or throwing stuff at cars/in front of cars/at buses. Why is the snow being used as an excuse to allow people be assaulted in the name of fun. But sure its only a snowball indeed.
Why does the east coast get all the good snow!!? They promised us a decent drop last night but when I woke up, there was nothing, just a bit of drizzle. I want 2 feet of snow and I want it now!!

Reading some of the scared comments above, I wonder how we produced a Shackleton, Crean, McCarthy etc...