Bank of Ireland cancel Christmas


Registered User
Regional Managers have told Managers that there are to be no organised staff Christmas parties this year , indeed some area Managers have advised staff that they are not to socialise in large groups over the festive season.

Bit over the top I would have thought !
It's been done in recent years

Even if they took staff somewhere and spent €30 a head for a meal and drinks for staff for a years hard work, the papers and even this site maybe will scream murder about money being wasted.

Guaranteed bad publicity so it's a sensible move
Bit over the top I would have thought !

No really considering the bucket load of whingers on this very site this time last year who seemed to think that every last employee of any and all banks should be living off bread and water and punched in the face twice a day...
Even if they took staff somewhere and spent €30 a head for a meal and drinks for staff for a years hard work, the papers and even this site maybe will scream murder about money being wasted.

Public servants never have their christmas parties paid for. As state employees, the banks might as well get used to it.
I can imagine the response of people in those hotels where a number of companies come together for a Christmas party. As the MC goes "Lets give a big welcome to our friends from Murphy Plumbing Ltd, YAAAAA All the staff from Bank of Ireland Main St BOOOOO. As usual the people at the bottom get the abuse while the big shots are on the plane to the Bahamas for Christmas.
Oh really? I very much beg to differ. I know for a fact that this is not true.

Our Dept doesnt provide a christmas party, but the Departments Social club does, but this is funded entirely by weekly subscriptions by staff and they then can apply for a ticket with finger food and a very small amount of drink supplied on a first come first served basis. Everything else must be paid for by staff. The party is also open to non social club members but they must pay for the tickets and all their drink.
Public servants never have their christmas parties paid for. As state employees, the banks might as well get used to it.

This directive applies to Christmas parties funded solely by staff as well - the day of the Bank funded party is long gone.
This directive applies to Christmas parties funded solely by staff as well - the day of the Bank funded party is long gone.

Well, then that IS ridiculous. It's dreary enough without being told when and how to enjoy yourself.

Oh really? I very much beg to differ. I know for a fact that this is not true.

Perhaps you'd like to recount your experience. In over 20 years in the public service, I've never once had a Cristmas party paid for, nor has it ever been contemplated.

However, if there any freebies going, I'd very much like to be part of the action. Do tell!
Bank staff have been told they are not allowed to book events in a banks name (even if paying for it themselves) and they have been advised to not draw attnetion to the fact that they work for a bank. Ridiculous in the extreme. There are plenty of businesses that depend on Xmas parties for much of their business.

As for the public service, I have no problem with taxpayers money being used to buy staff a couple of drinks and a bit of food over Xmas. Could never understand the objections. There are plenty of senior cvil servants along with the banks who kept Michilin Star restaurants in business during the good years.

Of course, I know of plenty of Xmas scrooges who object on any money being spent on events because they have no interest in going themselves.
Regional Managers have told Managers that there are to be no organised staff Christmas parties this year , indeed some area Managers have advised staff that they are not to socialise in large groups over the festive season.

Nothing new here, it was exactly the same last year. Most of us have no objection to paying for a party but even this is forbidden.

Caveat, lunch in a branch was never extended to 3 hours, perhaps in management yes but not your normal counter staff.

I totally agree with Sunny in that I'm sure a lot of restaurants and hotels are suffering from the lack of business.
I worked in a bank once. The Xmas parties were never knew who you would end up with ;):D
I know of a large firm that have instructed employees not to tell taxi drivers where they work or that they are going to a christmas party (being held in the four seasons) just in case it is leaked.
This comes up every year.

Why people get into hysterics over a once a year effort to boost morale and encourage a bit of social contact between co-workers that costs as little as a €20 or €30 subsidy is beyond me.

The return you get from breaking down barriers between co-workers at this kind of thing is the best value for money you're likely to get in terms of money spent on employees.
Bank perks

This directive applies to Christmas parties funded solely by staff as well - the day of the Bank funded party is long gone.

I was out to dinner last Christmas with two friends who work in two different banks, and they were complaining that her gym membership was only being 50% paid by the bank and he said yeah that's the same with my golf club membership. Only 50% paid. I think they may have more serious gripes this Christmas.
