Garda website down - safety cameras

I would imagine that the Gardai's study of the empirical evidence of very serious crashes and road deaths would be a bit more in-depth than your anecdotal research of the stretch of road outside your house (and your 9 neighbours).

Any links?
Any links?

Any links to the internal workings of the Garda ? No.
But here are some links with statements from senior Gardai that talk of the 5 years worth of data that they looked at.

No doubt you'll dismiss these statements as rubbish... each to their own...

[broken link removed]
shnaek, you should really change your name to schynik :D

The Queensland Police article is based purely on covert speed detection vehicles, unmarked and served little purpose in my opinion.

We have gone down the road of using speed detection vehicles like this one , clearly visable from any angle.

A full list of every location is available for anyone to see on the internet. These locations were chosen based on their history of accidents, crashes and deaths as a result of careless and dangerous driving, including drink/drug driving and speeding.

If you speed you must be caught. If you continue to speed and you also ignore the prior warning and notices of where these vans may be located you are a stupid stupid person.
I would imagine that the Gardai's study of the empirical evidence of very serious crashes and road deaths would be a bit more in-depth than your anecdotal research of the stretch of road outside your house (and your 9 neighbours).

Would it really? And I thought that there whole road safety campaign should revolve around me (and my 9 neighbours).

It is a money making scheme. Money which is not going to be put into the country. 65 million over 5 years, they could've created around 300 jobs out of this new "initiative" and actually helped the country.
Do all those claiming this is a money making scheme not think there are too many road deaths still in this country? And is it not a good idea to try and prevent speeding on the very stretches of road where deaths have occurred recently? Or do you think there isn't a problem with speeding and road deaths here?
As I pointed out in my previous post, in my opinion, in my local area, these cameras and road safety measures are not being implemented in areas where road fatalities are high, they are being put in areas where it'll be easy to pick off motorists.

Speed cameras are not the way to reduce speed related deaths/accidents. Speed cameras have been in use in this country for years yet incidences of speed related deaths/accidents have increased. Changes need to be made to licensing in this country, the driving test needs to be modernised and there needs to be some sort of cooperation between the RSA and the various instructors and testers, as there are discrepancies between the rules of the road and what instructors and testers tell you to do when you are behind the wheel of a car.

People aren't speeding when they drive through a red light, when they sit in a yellow box, when they change lane in front of you (or beside you) without looking or indicating, when they jam on the brakes in front of you because they've missed their turn/exit, when they pull away from the side of the road without indicating... i could go on
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As I pointed out in my previous post, in my opinion, in my local area, these cameras and road safety measures are not being implemented in areas where road fatalities are high, they are being put in areas where it'll be easy to pick off motorists.

Speed cameras are not the way to reduce speed related deaths/accidents. Speed cameras have been in use in this country for years yet incidences of speed related deaths/accidents have increased. Changes need to be made to licensing in this country, the driving test needs to be modernised and there needs to be some sort of cooperation between the RSA and the various instructors and testers, as there are discrepancies between the rules of the road and what instructors and testers tell you to do when you are behind the wheel of a car.

Sorry pixiebean but that's complete and utter rubbish. The number of active speed cameras in this country could be counted on the fingers on your hands and everyone knew this. They were never a deterrent before but they certainly should be now. As for changes to the driving test - this suggests you believe only new drivers speed on the road. What about all the drivers who have long since passed their test and continue to speed, how to you propose to get them to change their ways without the use of speed cameras? New drivers are not the problem, it's the general attitude to speeding that is the problem.
Sorry pixiebean but that's complete and utter rubbish. The number of active speed cameras in this country could be counted on the fingers on your hands and everyone knew this. They were never a deterrent before but they certainly should be now. As for changes to the driving test - this suggests you believe only new drivers speed on the road. What about all the drivers who have long since passed their test and continue to speed, how to you propose to get them to change their ways without the use of speed cameras? New drivers are not the problem, it's the general attitude to speeding that is the problem.

Well clearly my post was misleading because I believe the exact opposite of what you have assumed. I think that the driving test should be re-sat by everyone at least every 5-10 years with incentives for drivers who pass such as lower insurance costs. It is a joke that drivers who passed their test 20-30 years ago are still on the roads not having undertaken any additional training in line with improvements to road networks and the huge increase in motorists compared to 20-30 years ago and also the fact that bad habits will obviously have a negative effect on their driving over such a long period of time.

I think new drivers being punished for the actions of existing drivers is absolutely ridiculous (I am referring here to the new rules being brought in for new drivers next year).
It certainly was misleading - I don't see where you said the test should be resat regularly! But that begs the question then, if you think speed cameras are a money making racket, do you not think an awful lot of people would see your suggestion as the very same (as drivers no doubt would have to pay to resit their test every 5-10 years)! And your suggestion would mean every single driver would have to pay, not just those found speeding.
It certainly was misleading - I don't see where you said the test should be resat regularly! But that begs the question then, if you think speed cameras are a money making racket, do you not think an awful lot of people would see your suggestion as the very same (as drivers no doubt would have to pay to resit their test every 5-10 years)! And your suggestion would mean every single driver would have to pay, not just those found speeding.

That's because I didn't mention that in my first post?

I think if incentives were brought in for drivers who re-sit the test, insurance discounts or a refund of their fee for the test or something like that, it would make more sense than speed cameras being brought in with no incentives for road users (apart from a possibility that road fatalities will decrease).

Yes, every single driver should have to pay. There should be something implemented, whether it be re-sitting the test or something else, that would address all drivers. Speeding is not the biggest danger on the roads in my opinion.
Do all those claiming this is a money making scheme not think there are too many road deaths still in this country? And is it not a good idea to try and prevent speeding on the very stretches of road where deaths have occurred recently? Or do you think there isn't a problem with speeding and road deaths here?

Speed traps are not going to stop it. Now, let me come back here in a year and I will hold my hands up if it does. I cannot see any benefit to them apart from making money. Are the speed traps going to catch the doughnut makers on the wide country roads at night? Are they going to catch the really wreckess? My money is on them catching the ordinary Joe Soap, and that is due to my experience of living here of the ordinary Joe Soap being bent over at every opportunity while those at the top get away with murder, and murderers get away with murder.

Tackle muggers and rapists. Tackle violence on our streets. Tackle gang wars. No. Puttin up speed cameras is easy and makes it look like they are doing their job. Guess what - they're not. And they aren't happy about it either. I don't want to go too far off topic so I'll leave it there. Forgive me for not trusting in our beaurocrats, judiciary and government.
Speed traps are not going to stop it. Now, let me come back here in a year and I will hold my hands up if it does. I cannot see any benefit to them apart from making money. Are the speed traps going to catch the doughnut makers on the wide country roads at night? Are they going to catch the really wreckess? My money is on them catching the ordinary Joe Soap, and that is due to my experience of living here of the ordinary Joe Soap being bent over at every opportunity while those at the top get away with murder, and murderers get away with murder.

Tackle muggers and rapists. Tackle violence on our streets. Tackle gang wars. No. Puttin up speed cameras is easy and makes it look like they are doing their job. Guess what - they're not. And they aren't happy about it either. I don't want to go too far off topic so I'll leave it there. Forgive me for not trusting in our beaurocrats, judiciary and government.

the ordinary joe soap who is speeding no?
Why does it have to be such a black and white issue?

Increasing speed traps ( and reducing speeding) can only have a positive effect on the statistics.

It won't prevent all road deaths, but even one is a bonus.

If it pays for itself through fine revenue, then I can see no logical argument against it.
Are the speed traps going catch the doughnut makers on the wide country roads at night?

But shnaek, there is something you could do about the idiots in their rwd cars doing doughnuts on country roads - Take a photo, take a video on your phone, take a note of their registration numbers, call the Gardai and inform them immediately. They will act on this I can assure you. If they dont, then send your pictures to the papers, to primetime, to joeeeeeeee duffy or post them on the internet. Maximum impact and something will be done.

Tackle muggers and rapists

How can you tackle something that you dont know will happen or where it will happen? The courts are the answer, proper sentencing and proper prison terms.

Tackle violence on our streets.

This involves taking our Gardai away from admin posts, hiring civilians to do these jobs instead and also hiring more front line Gardai to patrol our streets, which would lead to an increase in public spending but can they really be everywhere at all times. Do we need more cctv? Will this help?

Tackle gang wars.

They are being tackled, the ERU are having reasonable success down in Limerick, but more should be done and I will highlight the courts and staffing issue again.

Forgive me for not trusting in our beaurocrats, judiciary and government.

Not many of us do at this stage but we have to have some belief that trying to save lives on our roads by any means is a positive thing.
the ordinary joe soap who is speeding no?

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear, eh? I know other countries who live by that philosophy. Is a Joe Soap running at 35 in a thirty zone that big of a priority? A decent citizen, going about his work? Maybe took his eye off the speedometer for a minute? Our priorities are wrong, my friend. I want an emphasis on criminals before I go after the citizen.
But shnaek, there is something you could do about the idiots in their rwd cars doing doughnuts on country roads - Take a photo, take a video on your phone, take a note of their registration numbers, call the Gardai and inform them immediately. They will act on this I can assure you. If they dont, then send your pictures to the papers, to primetime, to joeeeeeeee duffy or post them on the internet. Maximum impact and something will be done.
I have done that. I have also called the gardai when I saw someone breaking into a car, against the wishes of my friends who thought I was asking for trouble. But I find this exercise with the speed cameras a cynical one, and I will be proven right, I guarantee you.

How can you tackle something that you dont know will happen or where it will happen? The courts are the answer, proper sentencing and proper prison terms.
I agree. This isn't happening. Protect the honest citizen before making them fear the law.

This involves taking our Gardai away from admin posts, hiring civilians to do these jobs instead and also hiring more front line Gardai to patrol our streets, which would lead to an increase in public spending but can they really be everywhere at all times. Do we need more cctv? Will this help?
We need more action. And proper sentencing. I agree more Gardai will be freed up, and I hope to see them on the streets.

They are being tackled, the ERU are having reasonable success down in Limerick, but more should be done and I will highlight the courts and staffing issue again.
Those guys are laughing at us. They don't give a damn about our system. Same as the gangsters in Trallee and Mullingar.

Not many of us do at this stage but we have to have some belief that trying to save lives on our roads by any means is a positive thing.
Trying to save lives is a positive thing - but that is not what they are doing. We shall see. Come back here in a year. One of us can tell the other that they were right! :)
Do all those claiming this is a money making scheme not think there are too many road deaths still in this country? And is it not a good idea to try and prevent speeding on the very stretches of road where deaths have occurred recently? Or do you think there isn't a problem with speeding and road deaths here?

I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know the consequences of excessive speeding, drunk driving, etc. BUT people stil die on our roads every day. To be honest, I don't care or feel sorry for anyone who knowingly puts themselves in danger and ends up a casuality but I do care about the innocent casualities on our roads.

You can line up speed cameras all over the country and there will still be people who won't pay any notice. Those who think they are above the law are also the ones who are a real threat. These are the ones the gardai or the cameras should be after, not after Joe Soap driving 51kmph on Stillorgan dual carriageway as somebody pointed out.