What radio station is best for decent music these days

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Has anyone got any recommendations on a decent radio station for music these days? By decent I mean anything that is the antithesis of X-Factor and the like! :) As another poster mentioned recently, I think it's time to move away from talk radio and back to music radio but I can't abide most djs on the popular stations (Today FM, 2 FM and the like) so is there anything out there that plays good music without all the "listen to me" type jocks ruining it? I'd imagine there is a good range of internet radio stations these days but I'm a complete novice in that regard.
Radio Nova 100 fm is good.

A great app is tune in radio which gives access to various genres and radio stations worldwide.
Agreed - Radio Nova is good, although they have recently started to play Queen and Bon Jovi, so maybe time to find a different station. If you are in the Dublin area, try Phantom.
Have actually given up listening to the radio. Used to listen to 2FM religiously, since my youth, used to listen to it every morning and at lunchtime and then have it on all evening from about 6pm to 11/12pm. Gave up when they brought in all the new presenters over last couple of months.
yeah I know what ye mean pixiebean22. That said I'd like somewhere that you can hear up and coming decent bands/albums to keep myself up to date (rather than always relying on tips from mates). Have been checking out Radio Nova this morning, cheers to those who provided recommendations. Sounds so-so, some good some not so good but at least the dj stays quiet for most of it! :) Going to check out Phantom now for comparisons sake.
Phantom is very good - you've just no idea what they'll play next - more for the alternative taste though
Phantom is very good - you've just no idea what they'll play next - more for the alternative taste though

yup I've been listening to it for 30 mins now and it wins hands down (I know 30 mins is probably a bit short to form an opinion!). Great music from it.
.. somewhere that you can hear up and coming decent bands/albums to keep myself up to date .. checking out Radio Nova this morning

If there's one thing NOVA does, it's to NOT play "up and coming decent bands". I enjoy it, and also listen occasionally to Phantom. I avoid the ones who are obliged to play chart music.
If you are ever stuck in traffic in dublin during the hours of 7am - 10am and 4pm and 7pm monday to friday then tune into dublin city fm 103.2. Now this radio station has saved me hours off my commute but not only that it plays great music too and if you text in you can get your song played too. they play mostly 'alternative' music and every monday they play songs from a new album of the week. and i have to admit even if i am not driving through those hours i still tune in.....sad i know......
christmas fm radio... that should be kicking off fairly soon :), don't know the frequency as it doesn't run all year round, they broadcast from d4 hotels though according to their facebook page
If there's one thing NOVA does, it's to NOT play "up and coming decent bands". I enjoy it, and also listen occasionally to Phantom. I avoid the ones who are obliged to play chart music.

The closest that Nova gets to "up and coming bands" is their "local bands" slot - think it's Sunday 6-7pm, where 2 bands in the Dublin area get 30 mins airtime each based on their demo tapes.
Your own iPod or similar in shuffle mode is the perfect radio station. It will play music you like. If there is a track there that you don't like, just delete it.
Your own iPod or similar in shuffle mode is the perfect radio station. It will play music you like. If there is a track there that you don't like, just delete it.

Yeah agree Complainer but I like to keep up with the latest music as well. Phantom FM is indeed a great radio station, is very much on my wavelength (pun fully intended! :)).