2008 Used Car - Can I pay tax based on emissions?


Registered User
Hi Everyone,

I am hoping to buy a used car in the New Year, my budget is max. €8,000 and I want a fairly small car 1.3-1.5L engine so I will probably be looking at a 2008 reg at best. I think this is the case but just want to confirm - if I buy a used 2008 car will I have the option of paying tax based on emissions?

Thanks for your help!

I think it depends when in 2008 the car was registered Goggles. The new emissions based system was introduced in July 2008 and anything registered before this was calculated on engine size. Only newly registered cars after July 2008 are eligible to have their tax based on the emissions. In the case of an import I believe it is based on the date of original registration in the country of origin.
Thanks Petermack!
I thought that then the government backdated the option of tax based on emissions to Jan 1st but maybe that's not the case.. I guess I should clarify on a case by case basis when I am considering a car to purchase

Many thanks!
Thanks Petermack!
I thought that then the government backdated the option of tax based on emissions to Jan 1st but maybe that's not the case.. I guess I should clarify on a case by case basis when I am considering a car to purchase

Many thanks!

Not too sure about the backdating to be honest. There is a brief note on the criteria on the website http://www.motortax.ie and you may be right regarding January 2008. It states that July 2008 was the date for the introduction of the new system but Jan 2008 is referenced also.
The attached document sets out the rates of motor tax for brand new vehicles registered in this country after 1 July 2008. Vehicles registered before 1 January 2008, including imports first registered abroad prior to 1 January 2008, will continue to pay motor tax on the basis of engine size (cc rates are shown in previous link).
If the car is registered in the second 6 months it is based on emissions. If it was registered in the first 6 months it was based on engine size but if the emissions resulted in the motor tax being cheaper, the motor tax was moved to emissions based on renewal.

It is important not to assume that a smaller engine will be cheaper based on emissions. I had a 1.4l that was €110 less on the old system of motor tax, so some cars will be cheaper to tax if they are from the first 6 months.
I bought and registered a new car in April 08. I taxed it for three months to take me into July at which point I had the option of taxing it under the new emissions based. It worked out marginally in my favour so I did so.

If you're buying a 2008 car, it's likely that the owner would have done the same but even if they hadn't, you may still be able to do so now. The Motor Tax office can advise.

If it was registered in the first 6 months it was based on engine size but if the emissions resulted in the motor tax being cheaper, the motor tax was moved to emissions based on renewal.

Not sure if this was the case. As I recall, I had to actively opt for the new system without being put there automatically.
Thank you Petermack, ontour and Staples! That's much clearer now
Good point too ontour about engine size - I will be sure to check each model I consider
I appreciate your help
Hi Everyone,

I am hoping to buy a used car in the New Year, my budget is max. €8,000 and I want a fairly small car 1.3-1.5L engine so I will probably be looking at a 2008 reg at best. I think this is the case but just want to confirm - if I buy a used 2008 car will I have the option of paying tax based on emissions?

Thanks for your help!


You can also buy other beautiful car than the 2008 reg with just 8,000 Euro.