Be happy, cos now matter how bad things seem ....

Betsy Og

Registered User
they could be worse - spare a thought for poor Neil Prendeville, an institution in Cork radio - Uncle Gaybo would be the national equivalent, who under the influence of alcohol & painkillers, and while on an Aer Lingus flight, he managed to expose himself and ...well... "enjoyed himself".

Twas gas hearing the Newstalk lads choke over how to describe the incident this morning. He'd only been having a love-in with George Hook on the Thursday interview about 6 weeks ago.

Feel sorry the chap, more or less the most embarassing thing you could see printed in a paper (the Examiner). Hope he laughs it off and doesnt let it affect him too much (he apologised to the staff and passengers involved -in fairness he cant have been mentally intact at the time).

So when you wake up with a throbbing hangover and get flashbacks of making a show of yourself, dont worry, it could have been worse.....
Some comments from the

- Its kind of sad when you have to join the mile high club alone .
- The manufacturers of Neurofen are certainly going to have to think about updating the warning list of side effects on the packet after this
- Did you here Prenderville will be making a guest appearence on the new "snakes on a plane" sequel movie!!!
- So I guess Nurofen is not just for stiff necks?
So was he interviewed by the pharmacist before he got the nurofen plus....? What did he say he needed them for....:D
there'll be no happy ending to this story...he should have logged onto AAM and posted something in Letting off Steam!!
I saw headlines yesterday that he contemplated suicide :rolleyes:, get over yourself man. I'm surprised he didnt go on the Late Late (like his adviser Gerlad Keane did re his drink driving), be all apologetic and then move on.

I know most people think its a bit of craic but there seems to be an element who want to make a big deal of it, sure he was clearly off his head - doubt it could even get to court, no one got injured in any meaningful sense, people move on.