Guilty Secret - Katy Perry - for the music...

Betsy Og

Registered User
While California Gurls was the sound of the summer, its only yesterday I heard Teenage Dream, what a great song, echos of 80's classics like Boys of Summer, and the girl can sing.

Now we all know she's a grand looking girl God Bless her (I dont really talk like that, just hamming up the culchie thing :D) but she does seem to other talents too. Why guilty secret?, I wouldnt normally admit to liking "this sort of thing".

Anyone reassure me that it is a great song and I'm not in need of testosterone therapy ;) ??
Nah. I mean there are worse out there - much worse - but nah.

And Betsy? I'm telling Bruce, Steve & the lads that you listen to girls music. You'll be on a Maiden blacklist for gigs. ;)
Thought California girls was easily the worst song (if you can call it that, more like a childs musical poem) of the year so far.
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and the girl can sing.

Are you joking?? You obviously missed her performance on the X Factor then. She was disgraceful, couldnt sing a note, screaming and off key and totally out of tune and yet they all gave her a standing ovation.
.. performance on the X Factor .. couldnt sing a note .. off key and totally out of tune .. standing ovation.

But isn't that par for the course with X-Factor "can't sing, can't dance, you'll go a long way" :D ?
You obviously missed her performance on the X Factor then.

Too right, I draw the line at watching that fertiliser. My house is ruined with Dacing with X Ice Idols.

Obviously not on her best that night so - thought they usually lipsynch those yokes?, understandable enough if they're tearing about in acrobatic dance mode. California Gurls was pure catchy pop - maybe its just becasue I assoicate it with summer hols when it was always on the radio all the time but I thought it was upbeat, never got sick of it.

Wikipedia informs me she was a gospel singer, studied Itlian opera for a while (must have been a 1 weekend course!). So anyway, I gather she can generally sing.
She has changed from a pretty face with a pretty voice to just a pretty face. The new album sucks and her performance on the x factor was brutal. Also, these wedding shenanigans and her turning into some sort of publicity ***** with Russell Brand has put me right off her. She used to seem really cool and quirky but over the last year or so she has changed from a performer/singer to someone who just wants to be a celebrity.
She has changed from a pretty face with a pretty voice to just a pretty face. The new album sucks and her performance on the x factor was brutal. Also, these wedding shenanigans and her turning into some sort of publicity ***** with Russell Brand has put me right off her. She used to seem really cool and quirky but over the last year or so she has changed from a performer/singer to someone who just wants to be a celebrity.

Dear God no, not someone already who "only likes her early stuff" lol :D, she's not serious enough for such agonising.

Sure Russell Brand is a gas man, I'd give 'em a fortnight, but twill be fun !!
While I like quite a lot of current music I'm not a fan of hers.
KT Tunstel, now there's a lady that can sing (and play and write).

Here she is on Jools Holland.
While California Gurls was the sound of the summer, its only yesterday I heard Teenage Dream, what a great song, echos of 80's classics like Boys of Summer, and the girl can sing.

I don't see how you can compare Teenage Dream (pop rubbish) with Don Henley's The Boys Of Summer (classic 80s track)

Classic 80's tune

Pop Drivel

You've changed man ......
While California Gurls was the sound of the summer, its only yesterday I heard Teenage Dream, what a great song, echos of 80's classics like Boys of Summer, and the girl can sing.

This is a wind up isn't it? If he was dead, Mr Henley would be spinning in his grave
I'm sorry to burst your collective bubbles popsters, but as something of a popular music expert myself, I can reliably inform you that Mr Henley is by no means suffering from invidious comparisons.

His nastily over produced, breezy, sun bleached rock-lite by numbers hit is as much bubblegum nonsense as Ms Perry's output.

So there. :)
I'm sorry to burst your collective bubbles popsters, but as something of a popular music expert myself, I can reliably inform you that Mr Henley is by no means suffering from invidious comparisons.

His nastily over produced, breezy, sun bleached rock-lite by numbers hit is as much bubblegum nonsense as Ms Perry's output.

So there. :)

You may classify yourself as an expert....doesn't mean you're right!

Boys of Summer is a classic and continues to get airplay 26 years after release
California Gurls is not and won't be again heard beyond Christmas 2010

So Hah :p
I love the line "you've changed man" :D. I linked the 2 songs in terms of the nostalgia type "vibe" (yuck, thats not a me word) they invoke. American, sun-bleached summer, luvvin, freedom, the joys of youth .. (sob :(:p)

Anyway, to re-balance myself I put on Master of Puppets at full belt so:

"Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter,
laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries ...... release me"... [loud solo]

Ah yes, [shudder], feeling better now, quite the antidote.
I have discovered the perfect solution

Watch the muted Katy Perry video while listening to The Boys of Summer

I have discovered the perfect solution

Watch the muted Katy Perry video while listening to The Boys of Summer


Your honour, I rest my case, the plaintiff (there, behind the mound of tissues) has himself made the link between the themes of the songs. :p