Friend or Foe?


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Someone, whom I thought was a close personal friend of mine, has betrayed me. I have found out they lied to me over something very important. Am stuck between landing them in it big time or just walking away with the head held high.

It is funny, but I always thought revenge was a dish best served cold, but at the moment I am thinking of blanking it and taking the higher ground.
Hi Manda,

Probably more suited to Letting off Steam :)

I generally find if you leave it for a few days and let your head clear you will make the right decision. I would probably opt for "just walking away with the head held high" but then I don't know the full story. Most people get their comeuppance in the long term.

Best of luck with your thoughts.

Sorry guys for sounding off, was just having a bad moment and a bit of red back in that happy place.:)

Friend has behaved badly and there could be a house of cards about to come down, but I am not going to be the one to press that button.

Of course the friendship is over and I will miss that, but am just going to let them find their own comeuppance.

Thanks for the help!
Sorry guys for sounding off, was just having a bad moment and a bit of red back in that happy place.:)

Friend has behaved badly and there could be a house of cards about to come down, but I am not going to be the one to press that button.

Of course the friendship is over and I will miss that, but am just going to let them find their own comeuppance.

Thanks for the help!

Ah Manda. Sorry to hear it - I know how it feels.

A wise man once told me: "If you have one real friend you are lucky, if you have two you are very lucky, if you have more than two, you are probably mistaken"

You have implied the answer yourself IMO:

...there could be a house of cards about to come down, but I am not going to be the one to press that button.

Let nature take it's course. You may be able to have the best of both worlds - your own private gloat, and the moral high ground.
Someone, whom I thought was a close personal friend of mine, has betrayed me. I have found out they lied to me over something very important. Am stuck between landing them in it big time or just walking away with the head held high.

It is funny, but I always thought revenge was a dish best served cold, but at the moment I am thinking of blanking it and taking the higher ground.

Sorry to hear of your experience MandaC. Someone I regarded as a very close friend of many years recently left me in a dangerous situation after an accident. Tried justifying themself afterwards while shouting " you said you were fine and I was busy and had other things to do". I think the word for these people is "frenimys". Best to find out who they are and get them out of your life. I have walked away, lesson learned, better late than never. Good Luck. LS.
Hi MandaC - sorry to hear youve been let down by someone you trusted. I personally find the walking away with head high is far more dignified and does YOU less damage long term, to do otherwise can leave you lowering yourself to the others standards. Hope youre feeling better about it - a friend gone bad leaves a nasty residue - but just remember that youre better off seeiing the true colours than wasting more time on someone who isnt worth it.
MandaC, come on now, the suspense is killing me here, I need my gossip fix today!! Tell us what happened! has anything else come about since last post?
A wise man once told me: "If you have one real friend you are lucky, if you have two you are very lucky, if you have more than two, you are probably mistaken"

It wasn't Bertie anyway. He has lots of friends.
No it certainly was not Bertie.....or anyone like him......still disappointed.....lost half stone with worry, but.....hey, you reap what you sow and I'll be allright Jack, so no worries there.

Of course a liar is always caught out, so this persons lies have come back to haunt them. But for me, I have actually just taken the high road and not looked back. Despite being able to "gloat", I have had no desire to do so, so am happy with that.

Will wait (with baited breath) for my apology, but don't think the person will have the guts to face me, but we will see.