Google street view for Ireland


Registered User
Now in Ireland and should be complete.
Of course a lot (most?) pics are from 2009 but it's never going to be completely up to date

[broken link removed]

Have to say it's pretty fantastic. A huge project and it works very well. It's not perfect but lets not nitpick for now.
It's there and free to use :)

Our house is down a rural backroad and they still managed to capture it, the dog got in the picture!

Have you found your house?
I don't think it's intended to be "up to date", the picture is a capture of a single moment in time.
Sometimes you find streets that they did on different days, so all of a sudden it goes from sunny to cloudy as you move along it :)
Saw my house, happy as it looks good, all mowed, flowers blooming etc, not always the case:)

Do not like the application in general though. Total invasion of privacy in my opinion. Also a god send for burgulars, car theifs etc. Can't see any positives of having private homes, back gardens and so on on public display on the internet. Maybe someone can enlighten me?
From using the street view they can see whether the house looks like the contents may be interesting. Once of my friends laptop is viewable in their front bed room window. They can also determine how secure the house is, alarms, windows etc. Using the satalite view they can see the back gardens in great detail if they zoom in. Access to laneways etc from the rear, excape routes. Cars parked on the streets if they are looking for a particulay type, I know the data is about a year old but still.......

I realise this can be done on foot but it makes "research" so much easier.

Also from a personal privacy point of view anyone who now has your address can see your house. Again this could be done anyway but they would previously have had to make the effort to visit your road.

I just don't see the up side to this at all. I know the tourism business is supposed to benefit from it but really, what tourists want to visit private housing estates.

Would love to hear the benefits of this as I just don't see them.
Do not like the application in general though. Total invasion of privacy in my opinion. Also a god send for burgulars, car theifs etc. Can't see any positives of having private homes, back gardens and so on on public display on the internet. Maybe someone can enlighten me?

Total rubbish....

You've been reading the Daily Mail too much.

The pictures are at least a year old if not more. I can't imagine for a second someone is going to sit in front of a computer to 'case' houses, see your friends laptop and think "I'm having that" when the images are not where near recent. I'd be more worried about who's actually driving up and down your street than what pictures may be available on line.

And as for it's usefulness... there are countless reasons to use Street View... the only limit is your imagination!
@ petrolhead

"You've been reading the Daily Mail too much."

I have actually never read the dialy mail.

"And as for it's usefulness... there are countless reasons to use Street View... the only limit is your imagination! "

Really? then maybe you would be kind enough to enlighten me with the benefit of your imagination!!
I don't think it's intended to be "up to date", the picture is a capture of a single moment in time.

Yep, you've summed it up better then I did. :)
I believe the pics will be updated every three years.
It's a snapshot of time, nothing more

I'm sure there are people who emigrated decades ago going around viewing where they grew up , looking at their old school and houses and farms, see the new developments and the houses now abandoned.
Has anyone seen the two mooners at No. 71 Ballinteer Drive, its the 13th photograph in from the junction of Broadford Road & Ballinteer Drive......Classic!
I think there was a previous thread on this with a direct link the the photo.
My OH was telling me last night about some application he found online where you entered the your gender and the address where you grew up and it used google maps to produce an animation of a 'you' running down the street of your childhood. He said you needed google chrome for it - I will ask him the name of it later.
Can't believe the little boreen up to my parents' house (not their actual house) is on this, my parents live in a little pocket in the middle of nowhere in Kerry, just think it's crazy they're on there!

Also, I agree that it is a godsend for burglars. There is a picture of my boyfriend's workshed taken from behind a ditch on the main road and the shed door is open and you can clearly see all his tools and materials which he uses to build bikes, you can also see one of his bikes.

Yes, I know the pictures aren't exactly up to date but it wouldn't take long to take a trip somewhere and check out the house of your choice.
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Why doesn't he keep the shed closed then.

Presumably the shed is in full view of the road if the Google cameras were able to capture it.
Am I missing something on the 'godsend for burglers' thought?

You have got to put in an address to get a picture yes? So do people think burglers will be sitting on the internet inputting random addresses in the hopes of hitting a picture with an open shed of goodies? Then theyd still have to drive off to the place to see if the shed still contains said goodies as the pictures could be a couple of years old.

Surely a more sensible way to be a burgler would be to drive around and case out likely looking properties - without even knowing the street address?

Maybe Im off the wall - Im not a burgler so not sure of the best tactics.
He does keep the door closed normally, the day the picture was taken the door was open, it's a complete invasion of privacy and considering they had to climb into part of the ditch to take it they went to great lengths to invade his privacy. The shed isn't visible from the road unless you climb into the ditch.

It would be easy enough if you live in the same area as someone and you see them in a nice car or on a nice bike, you might have some idea of where they live, the general area, but this gives people the opportunity to check where the car/bike/whatever you fancy is kept etc.
They didnt climb onto the ditch to take the picture , the camera is mounted on top of
the vehicle , the driver in the google car didnt even see the shed.......................
That is the only way they would've been able to take the picture, unless they plonked the vehicle into the ditch.
Am I missing something on the 'godsend for burglers' thought?

You and me both! I see far more of contents of people's houses when I am out walking the dog at night than I can on Google. I have googled my own house and that of a few people I know and can't see how anyone can see inside the houses, it just gets blurry.

There's some great shots of my mother in law out on the street in her slippers! Great amusement for us all as she normally never goes out looking less than immaculate :p
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