Trailer "Sold as seen" via well known website, now buyer claims it is defective.



My husband recently advertised a catering trailer for sale on a well known Irish website.

A buyer contacted him, came and viewed the trailer, checked it out and decided to buy. He subsequently collected the trailer last weekend.

On Wednesday he contacted my husband to advise that he had stripped down the trailer and found that the chassis was broken and the back of the trailer had dropped. He said it would cost at least €600 to fix this and wanted my husband to pay some of the cost.

He has since phoned my husband on at least 3 occasions advising that he will not let the matter rest and wants some cash towards the repair job.

My husband was using the trailer up to 2 weeks ago and had no problems with it.

If there had been a problem we were aware of we would not have sold the trailer without having it fixed.

This man is now starting to harass us constantly.

Has anyone any advice or does this guy have any comeback on us?

The trailer was sold at an extremely reasonable price - €1950. The price we had advertised it for was €2650.

This is extremely worrying as we do not know what lengths this individual will goto.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

This is a very common tactic to get money from people under false pretences, especially in sales of vehicles. It is up to the buyer to ensure that they inspect the goods prior to handing over money.

Be strong. Ignore him. If it gets too much to bear, contact the Garda and make a complaint about the guy.
When selling something of this nature it is a good idea to buy a throwaway pay as you go mobile phone to deal with the sale - then get rid of it afterwards.
This is a very common tactic to get money from people under false pretences, especially in sales of vehicles. It is up to the buyer to ensure that they inspect the goods prior to handing over money....

I agree with the consensus that the buyer has no comeback in this case. But there are special considerations about the sale of motor vehicles (not trailers): the buyer has a comeback if the vehicle is dangerous.
Private sale, no comeback. These are the risks you take when buying through these type of sites. It was up to him to have the trailer checked before handing over cash. Even if according to you the trailer was in working order before you sold it and I'm sure you said this to the buyer as well, it was still up to him to check this out, he didn't, it now belongs to him, end of.
Alongside the fact that they have no comeback, what's to say whoever was stripping the trailer didn't cause the damage?
Alongside the fact that they have no comeback, what's to say whoever was stripping the trailer didn't cause the damage?

Excellent point Leo. The goods are now in a state that they werent sold in so anything is possible, the damage could have been existing, could have been caused by person stripping the trailer - no one knows at this point. I reckon the guy is just chancing his arm.
If you are getting harrassed I would make it known to the local gardai, at least its on record if anything was to escalate.

But don't worry, as if you need another person to confirm this there is no comeback.
The gardai have no role in a dispute over a contract for the sale of goods. There is a bit of distance between harrassment in a conversational sense and what constitutes harrassment in law.
Yeah I know they have no role in such contract disputes. But if I have someone harrassing me I wouldn't hesitate to make it known to the Gardai. I don't necessarly expect them to do anything about it but its on record if anything gets worse.

Even letting the other person know that the gardai have been made aware of it might stop the harrassment.
I agree; some people will go to any lengths to get money; especially if he thinks you are vulnerable