Taormina next April


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Hi, myself and a few friends are thinking of going to Taormina next Easter April 20th to 24th which would be flying back Easter Sunday. Just wondering is that an alright time of year to visit Taormina? Any idea what the weather would be like?

None of us have ever been to Sicily so it would be good to visit somewhere different.

We were thinking of the Continental Hotel...any thoughts or other recommendations?

Thanks :)
I was there this year - fantastic place and lovely people. I wasn't in the Continental Hotel so I can't comment; however I was in the Villa Diadoro which was lovely with a great big pool and very close to the main street, Costa Umberto. Weatherwise I expect that it would be fine with perhaps a few showers; but don't let that stop you. Taormina is open all year round as far as I know so the date would be fine. Also, as it's catholic there will most likely be religious processions or the like as there are a number of churches there. Enjoy!
Been to Taormina in November, and it was exquisite then, so it should be perfect in April. It's easy to get to from Catania (airport or city) by bus. Mount Etna is always in the background, sometimes snow capped, always dribbling red hot lava. DH Lawrence lived in Taormina a while and was inspired there to write Lady Chatterly's Lover.
It's just over one hour from Catania. Don't go to the other airport - 8 hours was the best I heard.
Been to Taormina in November, and it was exquisite then, so it should be perfect in April. It's easy to get to from Catania (airport or city) by bus.

Can you get a bus direct from the airport to Taormina or must you go via Catania city? Is Catania worth an overnight stop?
every couple of hours from aiport mto taormina direct for about a fiver. -an hour trip.

Slower local buses every hour deopending on time of day, stopping everywhere. taking 90 mins

Lots of local buses that go along coast and stop underneath taormina - suallu stop at railway station of Taormina-Giardini and then you take the cable-car up to taormina.
I liked walking from there to taormina but not with luggage after a tiring flight.

Was a holiday rep in Taormina long ag and often gone back.

Catania - um,well, worth a day visit for the bustling atmosphere, shops and a few historical buildings. Never stayed overnight as much more atmosphere at (dearer) Taormina.

Having said all this - if there are four of you and you can get a taxi for a hundred euros then for 25 a head you'll get from airport to hotel in comfort ,no hanging about, in maybe 45 mins.
It's just over one hour from Catania. Don't go to the other airport - 8 hours was the best I heard.

At easter time, it may take longer with traffic from catania a/p to taormina - around 2 hours probably... still not bad, though

If you are hiring a car, I'd consider flying Ryanair to Trapani (unless you've already booked to catania, of course). It is about 4 hours to Taormina from Trapani, no more than that. I think I did it in 3 and a half last time. Nowhere near 8 hours anyway.

It is also a nice drive. Problem is that I think most ryanair flights land at night time in Trapani, which may not suit some people vis-a-vis coping with the nutty Sicillian drivers. (I did the drive the following morning after staying the night I arrived at a farmhouse near Trapani)

Taormina is great at easter time, but mobbed. Find out when the one of the big religious processions is on in town and walk it with them. It sounds like an awful thing to do, but actually it was really interesting to see just how religious and enthusiastic Sicillians still are about the church. Like Ireland in the 1950s, except with fireworks and colourful floats, like a Paddy's day parade.

If you like the Godfather movies, take a drive up to Savoca in the mountains - about a 45-min drive I think. Go to Bar Vitelli. You'll recognise it straight away.
When you say that you take the cable car "up" to Taormina is there a section waterside?

Taormina is obviously high up on the hill, but there is a cable car that goes from the edge of town down to a pebble beach and cove where they all sunbathe... the cable car is about a half mile or so outside of the centre of town. The main train station is also down at sea level.