Jabs for thailand


Registered User
Does anyone have an idea of

1. What innoculations are needed for Thailand.
2. Where is the cheapest place to get them ?

You can't get medical advice on here..so what jabs you need shouldn't be answered. It does depend on where you're going in Thailand and what activities you'll be doing.
The Medical Missionaries of Mary in Drogheda provided a free service on Tuesday nights a few years ago (with a nominal charge for the vaccines). Could be worth giving them a call if its possible for you to go there.
I used travel medical on Dawson St last weekend. Email reception@travelhealth.ie. Really helpful.
Four of us went together and it worked out €130. We got a prescription for Malaria tablets incase we need them.
You can't get medical advice on here..so what jabs you need shouldn't be answered. It does depend on where you're going in Thailand and what activities you'll be doing.

While we don't discuss medical issues, I think we can make an exception for this which is primarily a travel query.

I presume that the jabs for Thailand are standard for everyone and that individual medical advice is not required.

I used the tropical medical bureau, as Tiger above has also used, found them to be very informative, and gave a thorough run through of all the risks I could be faced with while travelling in Sth America. Well worth the extra few bob.
While we don't discuss medical issues, I think we can make an exception for this which is primarily a travel query.

I presume that the jabs for Thailand are standard for everyone and that individual medical advice is not required.


No they're not standard. It depends on where you're going, what you plan to do, and what your medical history is. While there are certain standard vaccinations, there are a handful that are dictated by these factors. Advising some and not others could prove dangerous.
As a general rule, you should be ok with the standard travel vaccinations. Hepatitis A and Typhoid are an absolute must for any tropical country and you get them in a combined injection. If you get a booster within 12 months, the Hepatits A lasts 10 years while you need to get your Typhoid updated every three years.

Another vaccination that is recommended is the combined Tetanus/Diptheria which lasts ten years. In certain areas of Thailand (including the far north I think), you will also need anti-Malaria tablets.

The above should be enough if you are just visiting as a tourist for a couple of weeks but if you are planning to stay say 4-5 months, there are other vaccinations that should be considered e.g. Hepatitis B but it depends on what you are doing and where you are going etc.

A lot of people think you have to go to the Tropical Medical Bureau (TMB) for vaccinations; obviously if you live in the vicinity of one of their centres, they are the best place to go but I always go to my GP for my travel vaccinations and they know my medical history and are are very knowledgeable with regards to travel vaccinations too.