300,000 new jobs


Registered User
I thought Brian Cowen was only a politician but now it seems that he is also a comedian or is he a magician with a large hat
Maybe if we all click our heels three times while repeating "we want 300,000 jobs" something will happen.

People would complain about having to click their own heels when it was the bankers and politicans who got us into this mess so they should get us out of it.
I'm not sayijng that we are going to get anything near 300,000 jobs, but heaven help us if any glimmer of light gets shut out at the earliest opportunity.
People would complain about having to click their own heels when it was the bankers and politicans who got us into this mess so they should get us out of it.
I'm not sayijng that we are going to get anything near 300,000 jobs, but heaven help us if any glimmer of light gets shut out at the earliest opportunity.


It was a PR press announcement with yet another quango established. Government's don't create jobs.

It was a PR press announcement with yet another quango established. Government's don't create jobs.

Ok simply put I hear some possible good news I think hopefully something can come of it, you hear the same news and say it's more govt crap that will come to nothing. Same story, different viewpoints.