Charlie Bird is back! Hurray!

sure the poor divil, down on his luck abroad, and home to the bosom of mother Eireann. Apart from the heightened sense of self-importance that seems to come with RTE personnel, and the rather sad documentary, isnt he a good journalist and fair play to him.
I remember his documentary in Washington

He looked so lonely and sad.
Drinking a beer on his own in a bar and watching the Superbowl (well the camera crew were there too of course)

Looked like he needed a hug and someone to tell him he's loved in Ireland
Why does he always refer to himself in the third person?
Always found this to be a bit strange..
Next thing you know we will have gardeners on RTE crying that something should be done..while promoting their books...
Or a former Miss Ireland, TV presenter and weekly column writer for the Sunday Word. Which mainly consists of name dropping and her latest diet, a new one every few weeks

Writes that an ex boyfriend has threatened to release a private bedroom video of them the week before her second novel is released

Got loads of publicity, her book still sold badly, good enough for her
Next thing you know we will have gardeners on RTE crying that something should be done..while promoting their books...

:D one of the more bizarre rants I've seen in a while on the telly. I think he kept waiting for the applause ... which never came...
:D one of the more bizarre rants I've seen in a while on the telly. I think he kept waiting for the applause ... which never came...

While it was Bertiesque in terms of its incoherence, I dont doubt his sincerity. I suppose his main theme was "We're currently wallowing in misery, its sucking the life blood out of the country, time to get on with it as best we can and not just roll over and die." Which is an assumed message I could wholeheartedly endorse. Step 1 is ban Joe Duffy & the likes.
Why does he always refer to himself in the third person?
Always found this to be a bit strange..

Probably just a journalism thing. Writers will generally bring an account of preceedings and refer to themselves as 'this reporter' or such like and he probably has just let it evolve from there. Even writing thesis or dissertations you generally refer to yourself as 'the author' or 'this write' or something akin to that anyway.
He gets serious stick but he keeps going and is a success, maybe more people could decide to push forward and have a go rather than listening to people constantly sniping (not aimed at you).
Charlie's autobiography was brilliant. I also watched 6.01 and he just seemed so EXCITED about the non eventful news and delighted to be back!!