What is really bugging you today?


Registered User
Apart from the big things in life I mean...
For me ,its covering the kids school books!! :eek:
My laptop completely wrecking my head..
And the fact that the dog barks so loud when the postman comes..
I try not to let anything bug me. I've become a lot more zen-like in recent years. I never take work home with me anymore for example (either literally or pschologically). I tend to avoid certain types of people as much as I can.

Rude, selfish people continue to bug me though and people who don't listen but expect you to listen to them. Plenty of them around.

So far today, nothing has really bugged me yet but there is loads of time yet. :rolleyes:

Having said that, I try to laugh it off.

Women never bug me - they are too gorgeous to do that :)
What is bugging me today is the same thing that has been bugging me for the last few weeks. People will not leave me alone when I'm out walking my dog and I've been called every name under the sun and have had things thrown at me (including glass bottles) because I won't let people pet my dog.

Apart from that life is great, it's Thursday and the weather isn't too bad for August :)
What's bugging me is that I'm exhausted because the guy in the apartment upstairs was pounding around at all hours, slamming doors etc.
Another thing bugging me is that I've painted the hall ,but cant reach the top, don't have a ladder high enough!
caveat said:
Women never bug me - they are too gorgeous to do that :)

You old smoothy you...;)

The stack of dirty dishes in the sink that magically appeared between me going to bed at 10.30 last night ( when there was none) and getting up at 8 this morning. Trying my best to not deal with them to make a point but my determination is waning:mad:

3 big wasps circling round the living room. Why don't they just fly out the window instead of hitting themselves of it constantly?
People will not leave me alone when I'm out walking my dog and I've been called every name under the sun and have had things thrown at me (including glass bottles) because I won't let people pet my dog.

People throw glass bottles at you because you won't let them pet your dog? :eek: There must be a good story behind that, please elaborate! :)
I'm training a 10 month old great dane puppy. You might be aware that they get fairly large so I'm training him to be as well behaved in public as possible so as to avoid any instances of me being pulled out into traffic or him knocking over other people etc etc when he is fully grown. When great danes get excited, they tend to bounce up and down like kangaroos (at least any I know do) and if people are in the vicinity there's a good chance they'll get knocked over. People come over and just start petting him without asking (he could easily bite them, all animals are unpredictable no matter how well trained you have them) and if I say stop or no I'm generally told to f-off and most recently had a group of lads in their teens tell me to f-off when I asked them to back away and as we walked away they started throwing stuff at me and the dog, including glass bottles.