AIB pay subs for staff


Registered User
As a former employee i think media coverage of this way over the top. Once some paper highlight such an item the rest follow like a pack of hounds joined of course by various public figures. the same benefits today more or less were there way back in the fifties. If the media really wanted to investigate unnecessary outlay i think the top of the range company cars enjoyareed by executives and senior staff would be a far better area rather than half the sub to some leisure centre less tax which the ordinary staff can claim.
as a former employee i think media coverage of this way over the top. Once some paper highlight such an item the rest follow like a pack of hounds joined of course by various public figures. The same benefits today more or less were there way back in the fifties. If the media really wanted to investigate unnecessary outlay i think the top of the range company cars enjoyareed by executives and senior staff would be a far better area rather than half the sub to some leisure centre less tax which the ordinary staff can claim.

It's a bit unfair to target AIB given that BOI and I think UB offer a similer perk to staff. As an ex banker, my memory is that very few staff actually availed of the perk so the overall cost is not likely to be major. It's also a benefit that if it were to be removed, it's likely it could only be done after negotiating with the IBOA.
I think the point is, no one would give 2 hoots what AIB do with their money BUT when it is now our money then it is a totally different story as the country cant afford it.

If we can get rid of all gougers, scroungers etc that are costing us dear then we will get out of the mess we are in a lot quicker but.. I cant for the life of me see that happening. Who in the government is going to make decisions that are totally unpalatable eg stopping Bertie drawing his pension until he officially retires, making him pay tax on that book it goes on and on and on. The figures are horrendous.

It was always my belief that this sub was to join social groups such as tennis clubs, golf clubs etc. etc. so the staff member could netowrk and ultimately bring in additional business.
I have no doubt many used it for purely leisure and that the cost has increased dramtically over the last 10 years.
I will agree though that executive cars would be a far better target. Why do managers need a company car when all they do is drive to Ballsbridge, park it and then drive home again?
To be honest it does seem a minor enough issue to pick on, but then banks are an easy target. It's also an issue when the banks are talking of/going through redundancies when savings can be made in T&Cs.

However, then I think of things like the total tax revenue over the three years since this started at about €150bn and that the bank bailout to date is over €80bn. So for every Euro I've paid in all my taxes, over 50 cent has gone to the banks.

Or on the basis of estimated 2 million "families" in the state, €40K each gone to the banks in three years.

So over half the money available to the state, taken from me, has gone to the banks. And we now have to have services and facilities trimmed also. We have to face up to new taxes too.

So it does seem petty and small, but sometimes I think about the estimated figures and think.
So it does seem petty and small, but sometimes I think about the estimated figures and think.

It certainly should be looked at as every cent counts. But I would still go after the cars first. As I mentioned above it should be paid to those who are actually gaining new business from it. If a bank employee joins a golf club and can say he got 10 pensions, 15 credit cards etc. etc. from the members then it is a small price to pay.

But this sub should not be paid to staff who will not use it to make the bank more profitable.

Now, I'm just waiting for someone to say "Wasn't it all the golf club deals that got us in to this mess?" :p
People tend to pick on "extras".

Throughout the boom of the Celtic Tiger, I watched colleague after colleague leave AIB for big money in a foreign bank or multinational IT company. They were getting a bigger basic salary. I stayed on because of the stability and the perks.

The perks as I see it have been:

50% club sub (taxed at 40% so a €600 gym membership would bring back €180 in to the bank account).
Job stability - no longer guaranteed.
Free banking - now common place across all banks to non-employees.
Share programme - suspended.
A decent part subsidised Christmas party - suspended.
Preferential mortgage - don't make me laugh.

So all the negatives remain but the only perk left is the club sub, which is only taken up by a minor proportion of employees.

Those who begrudge the bank staff that will not stop in their blood lust until they see every bank official, with a mortgage, wife and kids, kicked out in to the street. Never mind the fact that most of the people they villify have done nothing more than count coppers or answer telephones.

I can't see what I could have done from my lofty position in Sandyford answering correspondence to have prevented the collapse of the Irish economy so can't see why I should be treated as a pariah.

The depression has affected bank officials every bit as much, if not more due to our original crummy salaries, than everyone else.
Another stupid story. Someone should out to Leo that we actually pay him a daily allowance to turn up to work. Now that is a expense.
Another stupid story. Someone should out to Leo that we actually pay him a daily allowance to turn up to work. Now that is a expense.

I am sure the RTÉ Sports and Social Club can't afford Kylie Minogue for as the main act for the Christmas party :D
Incidentally as far as i know AIB cancelled their usual annual lunch for pensioners last year