minister of transport €100k a disgrace-


Registered User
makes ivrrrr look small beer now. and we are in a resession???

How low can these guys go? A car follows him?? makes me want to puke>

It's thievery with airs and graces, only its to send Tarquin to public school and flit around the globe extravagently as opposed to stocking the fridge with Tennants extra and blagging a 50" plasma to watch Jeremy Kyle
According to Ryanair there were flights from Derry to London that the minister could have taken.

From Ryanair website.

Ryanair, Ireland’s largest airline, today (6th Aug) called for Minister Dempsey to explain why he wasted some €100,000 of taxpayers’ funds flying the govt jet from Dublin to Derry and then on to London when he could have travelled in his Ministerial Merc to Derry and flown with Ryanair from Derry to London saving Irish taxpayers over €99,950!!

Ryanair questioned why Minister Dempsey wasted €100,000 of taxpayers’ money to attend the McGill Summer School, in order to ‘Analyse the political, economic and administrative systems that have allowed our economy to be brought to its knees”. Perhaps Minister Dempsey now realises that wasting €100,000 on a needless flight from Dublin to Derry to London and back (when his Ministerial Merc and a scheduled Ryanair flight would have done the same job for just €50, a saving of over €99,950) is exactly the kind of Govt waste which brought Ireland to its knees in the first place.
The Department of Transport has issued a statement to say that the figures in the paper are wrong. The cost was €13,000

Each Minister should not have their own car. There should be a fleet which could be supplemented by taxis.

Although the story does highlight a lot of whats wrong in this country, I did take the €100k figure with a pinch of salt. It was a newspaper that discovered it after all, and there stories are usually a bit wide of the mark.

Having said that, I also found it hard to believe that there was such a high powered and important meeting at 7:15am in London. Why such an early start?

The only good thing that might come out of this (and all the other scandals) is that politicians might think twice before doing things/claiming costs infuture.
Didn't Mary Harney use the Air Corp to fly her to Sligo or Leitrim to open a mates Off Licence while her driver came down by road too ?

Now THAT'S far worse, imo !
blame the 'numbskulls' that voted FF into power in the first place!

In fairness its not just FF. Politicians and other highly paid civil servants have been doing this for years. Its happening at all levels, even local councils and across all parties (including independents)

The whole system is disgrace. Ivor Callelly is just the tip of the iceberg. He will be forgotten about soon enough and other thief (for want of a better word) will be discovered soon enough. They are all at it.

The sooner a system is put in place where all politicians expenses and claims are examined and justified before being reimbursed the better. Might make them think twice about staying in a €400 a night hotel 20 miles from their own house.
The Department of Transport has issued a statement to say that the figures in the paper are wrong. The cost was €13,000.

€100,000 or €13,000 it's still a disgrace and about time more of this gets highlighted, even if it takes exagerated newpaper figures to bring it to our attention.
I think its safe to say that the silence from most of the other politicians re:eek:ne of their own's expenses is due to the fact that they are afraid to say anything in case they are investigated, because they know there is a very good chance their won claims will not stand up to any scrutiny.

I also 100% agree that this will not be sorted out until EVERY single TDs expense in published on a website, showing how much and for what each and every claim was for.

If they have nothing to hide then they should all agree to this.

And finally, too often we hear the "I did everything inside the rules of the system" line. Perhaps the system needs to be less generous. When the whole expense thing blew up in the UK I could not believe how much stuff MPs could claim on expenses that normal working people have to pay for out of their wages. So why does an MP, who gets a damn good wage, get free Sky TV, free food etc when the could buy this out of their wages?
I think he stayed in a rather posh expensive hotel. I suppose some of us would also do this type of thing if we did not have to worry about the expense
and he is probaly thinking " I only have 2 years at best left so I might as well make hay while the country goes to ruins"

The jet was parked and incurs additional charges, minsitry were being disengenous!! now where did I hear that word before??

Surely Bertie feels embarrassed by his protege's extravagant behaviour. One of his cohorts should surely have organised a whipround to, er, cover costs.:) But at least he didn't go the full hog ........... and claim mileage as well. :D
I think he stayed in a rather posh expensive hotel. I suppose some of us would also do this type of thing if we did not have to worry about the expense
Not in Donegal, he didn't. He had to be in London for a briefing at 7.15 am so flew over that night in the jet from Derry.
His speech in Glenties was at 4.00pm the evening before. he said his office were supposed to look at the most economical way of organising his trips. So, he could have driven to Glenties from Dublin, driven back to Dublin Airport after his speech, getting there about 9.00pm, say, and flown commercially to London for a good night's kip before the meeting the next morning. 'Convenience' and 'comfort' rather than 'economical' spring to mind!
Each Minister should not have their own car. There should be a fleet which could be supplemented by taxis.
Absolutely - no need for Garda drivers either for the vast majority. I don't see any major security threat against our Ministers. Keep the Gardai for the Justice Minister and Taoiseach only, and let the rest get back on the beat.
They should be run like a proper and decent organisation but when you look closely at how they set themselves up it is quite obvious they are taking the mick. At the last attempt they had to adopt " well we can do as we like anwyay we are going to have a handout for unvouched expenses - so there"

The amount of money they have screwed from their own people ie the taxpayers is mind boggling.

Clocks Away:- Why would Bertie be embarrassed by his protege's extravagance. Does it not almost match his own
Clocks Away:- Why would Bertie be embarrassed by his protege's extravagance. Does it not almost match his own
Of course he would. And yes, he did. But mostly because Ivor didn't add the codicil that money "doesn't interest me. Once I can have a few jars on a Saturday night" kind of blokey thing. With all these people not hiding up trees in north Dublin ......... where the hell are they?:) It may be hard for a politician to disown a dishonest fellow traveller .......... 'cause the fellow traveller may know too much! This omerta is also true in ODC circles.
You don't see the US media harping on & on about Air Force One.

What political partys want to get rid of the government jet?

Leave this red herring to Joe Duffy & the Red Tops.