A person goes in bank branch has similar name to my OH lives on same road gets money


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This is an interesting one, yesterday a person went into their local bank branch to transfer money from husbands account to theirs but had no details to hand. Person lives on same road, no 3, we are no 5, same first name and second name as my other half. End result money is taken from our joint account. Reported it to bank today got an apology etc but money still not returned.

I thought banks had security checks??
BOI dont seem to have check anyway ---------I withdrew cash from deposit savings account on Tuesday and today , and I was surprised that I was'nt asked for ID .

It would have been the first withdrawal from this account in about 3 months .

The people behind the counter would not know me , as I am not a regular visitor there .

I filled in my name and address and the account number on the slip , and they asked no questions .
You should report this to the Financial Regulator. The bank have a duty to protect your details... and money.
make a big fuss until they return your money. Don't be afraid to rant and rave in the branch.
I too had occasion to make an over-the-counter withdrawal at a branch other than my own last week , was down the country , caught low on cash and had no cards with me. Strolled into one of the "big 2" , filled out a slip for €400 and approached the counter with driving license in hand ,handed over the slip and before I got the license out of the plastic holder thingy the teller was counting out €50's in front of me , I asked did she want to see my license and was told " no you're ok , you have an honest face !":D
now why have you got that username??? an honest shark.

made me smile, just got the €400.00 back.
One time I had a credit card with NIB and decided to cancel it and get a new one with a different company. After around 8 months I get a CC bill in the post from NIB. Upon opening it I am 600 punt in credit.

Called into my local branch telling them I wished to withdraw my 600. Girl checks computer, looks at me and then back at computer and says "There is some problem I have to get the manager". Manager comes and says "There has been a mistake that money was not for your account".

I start giving out about how this could happen when my account is closed and I don't want to be getting a letter in 6 months saying I'm 600 punt in debt!!!! Was really shocked how that could happen.

It turned out that a lady who has the same initials as myself & lives in a housing estate with same name as my home townland went into the bank to pay her bill and for reason it ended up in my closed account!!!

Perhaps these cases illustrate why we need postcodes??

I suspect numbers 3 & 5 would be in the same postal code ;) The problem here is the banks seem to be doing things without a customer supplied account number and / or proper identity verification.
NOAH I would ask the bank to put some type of note on the account to ensure that this does not happen again. Has the other person now been given a receipt for that withdrawal with your account number on it? The reason that I ask is, that the other person could quite innocently present the receipt another time, thinking that this is their correct account number, thereby compounding the original error. I remember a court case some years ago where something similar happened. The person with the incorrect number made lodgements to 'their' account. Meanwhile cheques were bounced because the number they had was incorrect.