Which version of events do you believe?

The Gardai do a very important job but there are in a position of power and it is very important that they don't ever abuse that power.

I have had an unpleasant brush with the law last year after a heated exchange with a difficult neighbour who then phoned the Gardai - 10 mins later two Gardai were in my kitchen and I was very shocked by the behaviour of one of the two. He was agressive and used bad language in my family home in front of my children. The facts or my side of the story was not asked for before he went on his tirade. I think his colleague was embarrased by his behaviour...

I'm not anti Guard - my best friend is a member but this certainly opened my eyes...

From the above piece it would be hard to decipher who is telling the truth,
About ten years ago I was being waved through an area where you need a permit, I held up my permit and waited on the guard pull the barrier aside. As he pulled it aside he came up to my car and started shouting at me, I'd no idea what he was saying so was trying to roll my window down, I was so flustered I couldn't wind it down, put the permit down and get out of gear at the same time. He then preceeded to pull the door handle and was like a mad man, I was so flustered and upset I couldn't get the window down so unlocked the car door and he yanked it open and started giving me a load of guff. I tried explaining but he didn't want to know. I'd say if I'd have opened the window he would have made a grab for me. So I think the story could be true!
Oh yes, its true. When we lived over in the North side of the city , this kind of thing happened every day. In fact, they used to follow us home and check out the house for stolen goods.

They had check points to stop us crossing over to the South side. However , we fooled them as we used to swim across the Liffey at night:D
I note that he went to Coventry of his own free will, that was probably to avoid being sent to Coventry.
With a bit of luck he could have been there for the Godiva Festival :) But seriously, why did his family stay here? If I was racist :rolleyes: I might be inclined to say better housing and benefits.
Well, it was worth his while

[broken link removed]

That makes my blood boil! There are too many people here who throw in the racist card for all and sundry and people are too afraid to tackle it head on. Have seen it happening in an employment situation first hand.
Just thinking about this thread from something that happened on the way home. Car in front threw a load of papers out the window. Usually, I take their number and report them. Then I looked again and it was a black woman driving. So rather than create another stink and leave myself open to "you only reported me because I was black" I did not bother.
Just thinking about this thread from something that happened on the way home. Car in front threw a load of papers out the window. Usually, I take their number and report them. Then I looked again and it was a black woman driving. So rather than create another stink and leave myself open to "you only reported me because I was black" I did not bother.
Is your prejudice their fault?
So the reality is that every black person is going to react like this?

She said she would be leaving herself open to the accusation rather than she would definitely be accused of racism. It is a reality that the race card can be used just as the traveller card is etc. Some people will use the fact that we are so PC to their advantage, and there are people from all walks of life who will do it.
She said she would be leaving herself open to the accusation rather than she would definitely be accused of racism. It is a reality that the race card can be used just as the traveller card is etc. Some people will use the fact that we are so PC to their advantage, and there are people from all walks of life who will do it.
She is attributing a likely behaviour or response to somebody based on the colour of their skin. That is prejudice in my book.
She is attributing a likely behaviour or response to somebody based on the colour of their skin. That is prejudice in my book.

Well, we obviously dont read from the same book on that topic anyway. Not taking any chances of a Coventry incident a la Mr. Akpebot. First thing that came into my head when I saw it happening.