Downloading photos from a website


Registered User
My son's Cub pack have a website where photos of activities are published by the leaders.

The URL is in the form ''. For each activity there's a page, with thumbnails of photos, in the form ''.

When you click on a thumbnail, the photo is displayed in the browser as ''.

As I am mostly interested in the ones in which he is featured, I have to go through each thumbnail and then 'Save As' each one I want to take a copy of. It would be handier for me to download a copy of all of them and go through them on my PC, deleting the ones I don't want.

Is there a way to download a set of photos with a single command, e.g. COPY '*.jpg' C:\My Documents\Cubs\*.JPG ?

Just got around today to trying that link.

Thanks !

It does exactly what I need.
- it's an add-on for Firefox

- company has IE6 'cos they outsourced IT on the promise of world-class IT support and infrastructure. Reality is, eh, different :rolleyes: !
Aside from that, I read an article recently that some companies are happy to keep staff on older browsers as it limits what they can do, specifically access Facebook. I would have thought that that could be managed efficiently at the firewall :confused:.
I can be managed by a warning letter from HR much better.

Makes no sense to me that the IT support dictates IT policy to the company. I'd have expected it to be the other way around. They mustn't believe this....

According to the latest information, security research firm SecurityFocus reports that IE6 has 396 known unpatched vulnerabilities, IE7 has 22, and IE8 has 25. The oldest known unpatched vulnerabilities for IE6, IE7, and IE8 date from November 20, 2000, May 17, 2007, and April 11, 2009 respectively.
I can be managed by a warning letter from HR much better.

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. access is all managed at the firewall.

Another 'benefit' of using IE6 is that IT support provider can deploy 'reconditioned' hardware with just 1MB RAM as the standard desktop configuration. I assume IE8 requires more memory. Under this hardware/software configuration, accessing BING Maps is a sure thing for causing the machine to reboot :D !
Theres no logic to this. If its managed at the firewall then they don't need to restrict the browser version. Running out of ram doesn't crash a machine, unless theres no virtual memory available. Its likely some other issue perhaps.... assuming bing maps is critical for your work

Its amusing to note that even with the latest version of the OS, MS Office, most people could probably do the same work with a 20yr old computer, MS Windows 3.11 and Office 6. Most probably don't need to use the web for work either. Just email. All in 64mb of ram. Maybe less.

That said I regularly run a data processing job, using a 6yrs old PC, and a 10yr+ application. Its takes 9 days with some manual intervention. Same thing runs in 1 day on a new PC.