Found a phone


Registered User
One of my colleagues found a phone at a gig on Wednesday night, the battery is dead and when we charged it up it needs a pin to access the SIM.

I brought it into Meteor, as it's a Meteor SIM they said there's nothing they can do. Anyone any thoughts on how to reunite it with it's owner?
Is it the SIM that is password protected, or the phone ?

Could you try the SIM in a different phone, e.g. your own ?
is the phone locked? ie can you use your meteor symm in it ? if so all the numbers should be still on the phone.
+1 joeysully

Contacts may be saved on phone and not SIM so you could ask Meteor to try and get a contact there. Might Work
Thanks that worked got a meteor SIM from a colleague and phone is now in the post on the way back to it's owner!
shaking i think you must be commended for , your honesty and persistence, most people would, ifear have kept the phone for themselves Well done!..............
Thanks that worked got a meteor SIM from a colleague and phone is now in the post on the way back to it's owner!

As a matter of interest what was their reaction when you contacted them? Did you have to pay the postage? Fair dues by the way.
Yes well done shaking on your honesty and going to the effort of finding out who lost the phone.
I got hold of the girls boyfriend he wasn't particularly greatful but I think he sounded more shocked than anything. It cost €2.70 to post figured it was worth it, good karma and all that!