HSE/SIPTU Training Fund - a mini FÁS scandal?


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Having relatives who work in the frontline with patients for the HSE and seeing the stress that HSE cutbacks have on them as employees e.g. staff shortages, surgery waiting lists, delayed appointments (even for private patients), waste on wards due to mismanagement (e.g. Lights left on, drugs discarded, lack of thorough cleaning, visitors intruding and not behaving properly towards staff etc) and being a tax payer, the report below really angers. The one good thing about it is that HSE internal audit caught it. Why all the training trips to New York? Supposedly, spouses went too!

Training fund spent on €12,000 taxi bill and 31 foreign journeys
By Anne-Marie Walsh
Friday June 25 2010
THE full extent of foreign trips funded by a controversial €2.35m State training fund investigated by gardai has been revealed.
A total of 31 visits were taken over a seven-year period between 2002 and 2009, including trips to Australia, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, a variety of UK destinations, Savannah, in Georgia, US, and New York around St Patrick's Day.
The Health Service Executive (HSE) claims it channelled the Department of Finance funding into a SIPTU account to run a training programme for low-skilled workers, but cannot account for the spending.

The Irish Independent has learned that cheques for the controversial training programme were lodged in the Bank of Ireland branch where SIPTU holds its accounts.
Sources said a HSE audit revealed that cheques totalling €250,000 a year ended up in the same Dublin branch where the union does its banking.
They also revealed the money was used to cover a €12,000 taxi bill, plus hotel and restaurant expenses.
Officials from the HSE and departments of Finance and Health were among those who went on some of the trips.
Foreign travel included:
A trip to New York in 2004, 2005, and 2008.
Two trips to New York in 2006, 2007 and 2009.
One trip to LA in 2007
A trip to Boston in 2007.
A trip to Savannah in 2008.
Trips to Australia, LA and Hong Kong in 2008.
Ten trips to London.
Trips to Birmingham, Sheffield, Oxford, Southampton, and Sheffield.
A trip to Brussels.
However, HSE sources last night said foreign travel did not make up the bulk of the spending.
The HSE contacted gardai after completing the audit and also contacted SIPTU. One official is currently the subject of an internal union inquiry.
SIPTU insists it never received any of the money for the training programme, known as SKILL. The union claimed this had been verified by an audit of its accounts.

However, sources last night revealed the internal HSE audit obtained copies of cheques made payable to the union.
They claim the cheques were paid into a national health and local authority levy fund, and were then lodged into a branch of Bank of Ireland in Dublin.
The HSE audit found SIPTU's own general secretary confirmed the union holds its accounts at the same branch where the cheques were lodged.
It said the union leader, who is not named in the audit, said SIPTU would carry out its own investigation. SIPTU leader Jack O'Connor has insisted the union did not get any of the money.
- Anne-Marie - Irish Independent

Let SIPTU now tell us that training that was done.

The merits of the social partnership in the latter years was questionable.
The merits of the social partnership in the latter years was questionable.

I disagree. In the first few years the merits were questionable. In latter years there was no question; it was bad for the country.
Perhaps the assumption of innocence should be applied to SIPTU in this instance until all the facts are known.

Jack O'Connor haas said that the Union never received the monies in question , perhaps further investigations will cast more light on the matter but as yet we are pretty much in the dark.
Perhaps the assumption of innocence should be applied to SIPTU in this instance until all the facts are known.

Jack O'Connor haas said that the Union never received the monies in question , perhaps further investigations will cast more light on the matter but as yet we are pretty much in the dark.

I agree but the point remains why is taxpayers money being handed over to a trade union for training purposes?
I agree but the point remains why is taxpayers money being handed over to a trade union for training purporses?

Sure, don't you know that Bertie likes to keep everyone happy...

[Rant deleted]
.. funding into a SIPTU account to run a training programme for low-skilled workers, but cannot account for the spending.
Trips to Australia, LA and Hong Kong in 2008.

These are the bits that I could not reconcile when I heard this on RTE yesterday.

Going to Hong Kong and Los Angeles in the name of a training programme to 'upskill' low-skilled workers ?

Either someone was wantonly abusing public money, or the oversight process to review and approve such spend were negligent. Without wishing to kick-off yet another Public V Private Sector bunfight, if this happened where I work, someone would be actively dismissed, and someone would be effectively dismissed (e.g. recloated from a corner office to a cupboard to count paper clips).
if this happened where I work, someone would be actively dismissed, and someone would be effectively dismissed (e.g. recloated from a corner office to a cupboard to count paper clips).

It happens in the private sector too. Big organisations have corporate hospitalaity boxes in Croker, corp memberships to the K Club etc. The only difference is that the taxpayer isn't (shouldn't be, in the case of our banks) footing the bill.
SIPTU + their comrades are very quiet on this saga.

Has Eamon Gilmore issued a statement yet?
It happens in the private sector too. Big organisations have corporate hospitalaity boxes in Croker, corp memberships to the K Club etc. The only difference is that the taxpayer isn't (shouldn't be, in the case of our banks) footing the bill.

Altough you are correct that the private sector do indeed have corporate hospitalaity boxes etc,I cannot imagine that they used money specifically meant for training..
Either someone was wantonly abusing public money, or the oversight process to review and approve such spend were negligent. Without wishing to kick-off yet another Public V Private Sector bunfight, if this happened where I work, someone would be actively dismissed, and someone would be effectively dismissed (e.g. recloated from a corner office to a cupboard to count paper clips).
Seems to me it was a case of both. My colleague was involved in arranging these courses and she said the monies came from the HSE. From her point of view SIPTU role was only encouraging the members to partake. She had no idea that trips to Hong Kong were on the cards.
If I give money to a company , lets call it " phishy ltd".and tell them it is to be used to purchase leaflets.

The company "phishy ltd" could then open up a separate account for this money and if it was somehow missused, "phishy ltd",could legitimately say ,that the money was not in fact given to "phishy ltd".

ie;its in this account which has nothing to do with "phishy Ltd"...

That gets them off the hook??

Frustrating,but reality..
Rte website:HSE training fund paid for 31 foreign trips

[broken link removed] Thursday, 24 June 2010 22:14
31 overseas trips were funded from a controversial €2.35m training fund, which is currently the subject of a Garda investigation.
While the names of those who participated, in what were described in the report as 'mostly study visits', have not yet been revealed, it has been confirmed that officials from the Department of Finance, the Department of Health, the HSE and unions went on the trips and that spouses accompanied some of those travelling.
It is unclear whether the costs of spouses or partners were reimbursed to the State.

One trip was taken each year to New York in 2004, 2005, and 2008, while two were taken in 2006, 2007, and 2009.
In 2005, a trip was made to Australia.
One trip was taken to Los Angeles and another to Boston in 2007 with a further journey to Savannah, Georgia, in 2008.
In 2008, there was a further trip to Los Angeles, Australia and Hong Kong via the UK.
There was also short-haul travel. Ten trips to London, with others to Birmingham, Oxford, Southampton, Sheffield and Brussels were taken.
A SIPTU official is currently the subject of an internal inquiry.
SIPTU said it is not aware of these travel details. Its National Executive Council discussed the matter today.
Union officers assured the Executive that none of the fund had entered their accounts and external auditors had confirmed that.
They are awaiting a response to detailed queries submitted to HSE Chief Executive Brendan Drumm last Friday.
Last week, he said the money had been 'channelled' from the Department of Health to SIPTU via the HSE at a rate of €250,000 a year since 2002.
Let me predict:-
1. We will never see any names of the the people who committed the alleged misappropriations.

2. This will all be swept away without any further action shortly.

3. The whole episodes will be forgotten.
SIPTU + their comrades are very quiet on this saga.

Has Eamon Gilmore issued a statement yet?
Nice job at diverting attention from the important issue. SIPTU have been anything but quiet on this issue, and have issued statements on a daily basis. They are a long way from getting to the bottom of it, but they are certainly not quiet. But hey, keep on chipping away there.

These are the bits that I could not reconcile when I heard this on RTE yesterday.

Going to Hong Kong and Los Angeles in the name of a training programme to 'upskill' low-skilled workers ?
Indeed, that did sound very, very strange. Did I pick up right from the press reports that those who travelled included senior officials from Dept Health, Dept Finance and HSE? If so, this is very, very dubious. Why would those folk need their travel funded by an external group? The only reason I can think of is to bypass normal internal travel policy and guidelines.