What ever happened to George Lee?

exactly, i dont hear him giving up his FREE for life parking space, his credibility is shot to pieces and I used to rate him.

He's probably writing his book about being an insider for a pregnancy term
It just goes to show how people are so easily fooled. Because he came across as a genuine guy concerned for the people and the country, and also because he had a handle on the economic situation, he got a landslide vote when he entered politics as a FG candidate.People trusted him to get stuck in and make his contribution within the political system. Maybe Lee self deluded himself , exagerating his importance in his own mind , especially as he was in a powerless opposition , whose main role lay in posturing at every twist and turn of the government and of public opinion.
The reality then hit him.He had left a pampered well paid life in RTE where he had commentated on economic policies and was held in very high regard through his high profile position. And for what,.. to enter the rough and tumble world of cut throat politics where most TDS are firstly more concerned about their own jobs than anything else and national issues are a distant second.
But I would forgive Lee this mistake.But what I found nauseating was the feeble mealy mouthed excuses he came out with ,when he found that the political system didn`t fawn at him ,the same way people"adored" him as a TV pundit. These excuses continued even as he snaked his way back to his secure well paid insulated position at RTE.
I agree but if he had any bls he would make a point of giving up that free parking space and make the others do likewise. I am amazed he converted to the grab it all syndrome so quickly.

I agree he should put his money where his mouth is, and hand back his parking space. I also think he should have negotiated with Enda Kenny (who apparently was open to this) instead of just walking out. However, his experience really threw a spotlight on how much credence our politicians put on skills, experience and the national interest when compared to gaining a few cheap votes by attending funerals and pretending to organise constituents' grant applications, road repairs etc.
Just imagine for a second if Lee had been a success in politics and became the minister of finance in a new government charged with putting the countrys finances in order. Does anyone think he would seriously cut the generous perks and salaries that the likes of RTE professionals and their counterparts across the public service enjoy?
Lee and his like would do everything possible to maintain their privledged positions,especially in relation to others in less privledged positions,
That is why they ingratiate themselves with politicians and infiltrate themselves into the political process,sometimes even becoming a candidate.

What a hoot. It sounds like they've just created a programme to suit his background without the need to stray into the political arena.

If he'd stayed where he was and boxed a bit clever, he'd be the current opposition spokesman on finance and probably the next Minister. Personally, though, I don't think he'd have the stomach for it and I suspect he realised that himself.