Saville Inquiry - Report Published, 3:30pm 15/6/2010

... So you were old enough? ...
Yes and I had in fact attended other rallies and marches, both civil rights and anti-apartheid. My role-model then as now was Kader Asmal who was still in Trinity at the time, IIRC. If it were not for a scheduling issue that had me on call for work that week-end, I could easily have been in Derry with some of my friends.
... You seem to have sunk your teeth in this Ken Maginnis thing ...
I'm surprised at the extent to which that guy gets me going and I don't even know him other than from the box (I don't say that regretfully, just with surprise.)
... PS - are you the new Clubman? (that IS a question)
I'm much too old to be a new anything - I'm just an old me. If that's the same as a new Clubman, then maybe he's better off where-ever he is :)
I'm surprised at the extent to which that guy gets me going and I don't even know him other than from the box (I don't say that regretfully, just with surprise.)

Didn't hear him comment the other day. In fact haven't heard him comment on anything for years (a "lord" now isn't he?).

TBH, I always thought he was far from the worst of his ilk and I don't really recall him being particularly (considering his background/party/career) intransigent or bigotted in the past. Maybe he was and was just overshadowed by the likes of Paisley, Robinson, McCrea, George Seawright (remember that nutter?) and even Jim Molyneaux to an extent.
As a Derry man, I was so emotional yesterday.

It took a long time, but at last the British have had no option but to admit that they basically murdered people in cold blood.

I was only a young child when BS happened, but it has been an open wound in the city ever since.

The British Army, and those who still try to undermine the inquiry such as Mike Jackson, Gregory Campbell and the Guardian newspaper, should hang their heads in shame.

The truth is finally free.

I'm not a fan and after that I'm staying with that position. How the hell does he turn around the report to another anti-IRA article.

We know there was violence on both sides, but on a day when the names and innocence of those murdered is finally cleared, he goes an ends with the tit for tat, "well let's not forget the IRA killed people too".
I'm not a fan and after that I'm staying with that position. How the hell does he turn around the report to another anti-IRA article.

We know there was violence on both sides, but on a day when the names and innocence of those murdered is finally cleared, he goes an ends with the tit for tat, "well let's not forget the IRA killed people too".

Anti-IRA article? You make that sound like it is a bad thing.

Bloody Sunday was a disgusting act of murder by murdering scumbags who hid behind State coverups for 38 years. The families of the victims and the people of Derry deserved the truth to be told and I am glad they got to hear it. The families of the Dublin/Monagahan bombing victims also deserve the truth.

But Myers is right to tell the IRA that this report has nothing to do with them. This report was about the families of the innocent victims of that horrible day. I don't need Martin McGunniness's smug face on my TV saying what a great day this is. The IRA and all the other paramilitaries on both sides have more innocent blood on their hands than the Paras.

It is a great day in Northern Ireland's history. But it's also a reminder that there are thousands of other families of innocent victims out there who don't get their stories heard. The reaction of the people of Derry to the report shows the benefits that something like a Truth Commission could have.
Wouldnt a pertinent question for Adams & McGuinness is - "Dont the families of the dissappeared deserve similar closure?"

(ok republicans have made some efforts in this regard, but the report card should read - Must try harder)
Anti-IRA article? You make that sound like it is a bad thing.

Essentially I don't disagree Sunny. But this is like other discussions (e.g. the Israel one) it annoys me that every heinous act is justified/tempered/compared with one by the other side.

There was no justification for this act. None. Those people were innocent. For Myers to start in sympathy but then catalogue in graphic detail the deaths of paras, what's his point? Ultimately it reads a very disrespectful to those killed in Bloody Sunday. It had nothing to do with the IRA, yes they used it for recruitment, but after that they didn't have to try too hard for recruitment.

As hard as it is, but for peace in the North, each and every individual has to just put the past behind them. Never forget the blood (innocent and less so) that has been spilled, but move on and perhaps realise that for many on both sides there will never be justice and that we may have to forgo complete justice for the greater good: peace.

Just like the Dublin/Monaghan victims and families will never have justice, neither will those from Warrington, Omagh, etc. It might sound easy for me to say, but I had family in Warrington on the day it happened, thankfully unhurt.

The point is Myers is just furthering bile and hatred in that article. What, he thinks I'm stupid and don't know Paras were killed by bombs? What's that got to do with waiting this long for a report that finally gives some official release to the families and friends of the victims.

All he's doing is furthering the sense of justifying the para's actions in the minds of the hardcore "no surrender" crowd. That really helps us.
Essentially I don't disagree Sunny. But this is like other discussions (e.g. the Israel one) it annoys me that every heinous act is justified/tempered/compared with one by the other side.

There was no justification for this act. None. Those people were innocent. For Myers to start in sympathy but then catalogue in graphic detail the deaths of paras, what's his point? Ultimately it reads a very disrespectful to those killed in Bloody Sunday. It had nothing to do with the IRA, yes they used it for recruitment, but after that they didn't have to try too hard for recruitment.

As hard as it is, but for peace in the North, each and every individual has to just put the past behind them. Never forget the blood (innocent and less so) that has been spilled, but move on and perhaps realise that for many on both sides there will never be justice and that we may have to forgo complete justice for the greater good: peace.

Just like the Dublin/Monaghan victims and families will never have justice, neither will those from Warrington, Omagh, etc. It might sound easy for me to say, but I had family in Warrington on the day it happened, thankfully unhurt.

The point is Myers is just furthering bile and hatred in that article. What, he thinks I'm stupid and don't know Paras were killed by bombs? What's that got to do with waiting this long for a report that finally gives some official release to the families and friends of the victims.

All he's doing is furthering the sense of justifying the para's actions in the minds of the hardcore "no surrender" crowd. That really helps us.

I agree Latrade but to be fair to Myers, he doesn't detail the death of Para's. He details the deaths of people at the hands of the Paras. His feelings for that Regiment are pretty clear. It was a balanced article (for Myers!!)

Never thought I would defend Kevin Myers!
Never thought I would defend Kevin Myers!

There's probably still some of that anti-bacterial sanitiser lying around from the Swine Flu, you might need to dowse yourself in that. ;)

Maybe I just don't trust the guy. Maybe I look too hard for his angle and the sly dig and I feel I found it in that article.