
Purple, fixed it for you....

maybe it should be "the one and only thing he didn't utterly screw up; a fig leaf in an otherwise utterly disastrous fiasco of a tenure as leader of this now, thanks mainly to him, benighted country"?
To his credit - he did a great job with Northern Ireland.

The Irish media are unfair to him ignoring the world ecomomic situation & the lack of global banking regulations.

You won't hear Irish media being critical of Alan Greenspan.

But you hear moaning and cribbing about Bertie.
To his credit - he did a great job with Northern Ireland.
Coat tailing the work done by Garret Fitzgerald, CJH, John Bruton, Albert Reynolds and Dick Spring as well as people like Liz O’Donnell and Martin Mansergh.

The Irish media are unfair to him ignoring the world ecomomic situation & the lack of global banking regulations.
Rubbish. He screwed up the country by buying everybody off and getting rid of anyone who was a threat or might have cost him votes.

You won't hear Irish media being critical of Alan Greenspan.

But you hear moaning and cribbing about Bertie.
I have heard the Irish media being critical of Alan Greenspan but Bertie gets more column inches and air time because he was in charge. He inherited a country that had been build on sound economic management from last Fianna Fail government under CJ right through to the Rainbow Coalition and the Reynolds/Spring government and he utterly wrecked it.

I despise him for what he has done to this country and I despised him when he was doing it.
The FG and Labour manifestos prior to the last election were all spend, spend & more spend.

The Labour party aree completely revisionist.
The Irish people and political classes were in a state on oblivian with the Celtic Tiger. People demanded spend, spend + spend.

People bought into the whole Celtic Tiger hype.

People together with politicians lost the run of themselves.
People demanded spend, spend + spend.

So would my five-year-old given the choice. But I'm (we're!!) in charge so we make the unpopular decisions to avoid going broke.

Good governence is not about responding to the prevailing whims of the electorate.
The Irish people and political classes were in a state on oblivian with the Celtic Tiger. People demanded spend, spend + spend.

People bought into the whole Celtic Tiger hype.

People together with politicians lost the run of themselves.
I didn't. I've been moaning and shouting and annoying people and forcing my opinions about Bertie on them since to shafted Albert. Lots of other people said the same thing. What FG said in opposition is not the point; party in opposition don't have to make the hard decisions, they make populist noises ‘till they get into power.
Anyway, Bertie was the leader. He was in charge. It was his job to do what was in the best interest of the country but he put local party ahead of national party and national party ahead of the country. He is the worst leader we have had since independence. If economic treason was a crime he’s hang.
Bertie was not alone. The bit I liked from his past was the blank cheque
signing and no bank account???? Oh that job he gave to Ivor.

What a leader? A real gem.

He is the worst leader we have had since independence. If economic treason was a crime he’s hang.

The global banking crisis is not his fault.

All my old schools got big extensions whilst he was Taoiseach.

Compare unemployment and GDP under Ahern and other leaders.

Facts are - very few saw thru the frenzy. That was the mistake.
The global banking crisis is not his fault.

All my old schools got big extensions whilst he was Taoiseach.

Compare unemployment and GDP under Ahern and other leaders.

Facts are - very few saw thru the frenzy. That was the mistake.

Ah well, as long as your old schools got extensions, then the Celtic Tiger wasn't wasted!