I'm In A Rock 'n' Roll Band (Last in Series) 10:00pm, BBC2 Sat 5/6/2010


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Hi there pop-pickers, it’s time to begin the countdown to the ultimate fantasy group.

Hopefully you’ve all been paying close attention to Guitar Heroes, I’m in a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band, etc. on the BBCs and the scintillating, well-informed, music-related threads here in The Depths (posts mentioning the Eurovision Pong Content, Crystal Swing and Neil Diamond excepted).

Before the Beeb announces the results of their poll tomorrow night, I’d like to get the ball rolling by looking for the AAM pollsters nominations in the following categories:

The Best Real Bands




There can be a bit of difficulty with this as some wrinklies have had various line-ups over the years e.g. The Strolling Drones have had a number of guitarists (Brian Jones, Mick Taylor, Ronnie Wood), similarly Fleetly Macwood (Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer, “Little” Danny Kirwan, Lindsey Buckingham, etc).

The Best Drummers




The Best Percussionists (aka drummers who like to play standing up)




The Best Bass-players




The Best Guitarists






The Best Keyboard Players




The Best Brass Section (I suggest 2 saxes, 2 horns, 1 trombone / tuba)






The Best Singers / Vocalists (great if they have another string to their bow - harmonica, fiddle, Seasick Steve Special. etc.)






And finally from the lists of individuals above :

The Ultimate Fantasy Rock ‘n’ Roll Band

*Lack of Prizes are the fault of the organisers, T&Cs Apply, Over 70s only, No Muppets were harmed in the making of this presentation.
I wish I could swear on AAM.

That is one "freakin" tall order.

I assume we're talking rock, kind of, and not poncy muso jazzy stuff??

My contribution will be sparse, and I'll stick to 3 where I can, and will shamelessly reveal my ignorance where relevant, so in no particular order, and for different reasons, here goes:

Real bands: Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd

Drummers: John Bonham, Aynsley Dunbar, Dave Lombardo

Percussionists: "Big" Paul Ferguson - well he's a very unconventional 'tribal' drummer so in a way, more of a percussionist maybe?

Bass: Stanley Clarke, John Taylor, Flea

Guitar: Robert Fripp, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page

Keyboard: Stevie Wonder, Rick Wakeman, Richard Wright - oh yeah, and the guy out of the blockheads - he was incredible!

Brass: Not really my area but always loved Andy Mackays oboe/sax in Roxy Music. Van of course needs a mention.

Singers/vocalists: David Bowie, Bon Scott, Paul Rodgers

Fantasy band: Oh jaysus...can I get back to you on that one?
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Best Real Bands : The Band, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin

Best Drummers: John Bonham, Keith Moon, Mick Fleetwood

Best Percussionists: Ringo McDonagh, Roger Taylor, Cozy Powell

Best Bass-players: Paul McCartney, John McVie, James Jamerson

Best Guitarists: Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Carlos Santana, Peter Green, Rory Gallagher

Best Keyboard Players: Ray Manzarek, Rick Wakeman, Christine McVie

Best Brass Section: Clarence Clemons, John Entwhistle, Bobby Keys, Van Morrisson, Richie Rosenberg

Best Singers / Vocalists: Freddie Mercury, Paul Rodgers, Dusty Springfield, Janis Joplin, Jeff Buckley

My Ultimate Fantasy Rock ‘n’ Roll Band

Drums: Mick Fleetwood
Percussion: Cozy Powell
Bass: John McVie
Guitars: Jimi Hendrix, Peter Green, Rory Gallagher
Keyboards: Ray Manzarek, Christine McVie
Brass: Clarence Clemons, John Entwhistle, Bobby Keys, Van Morrisson, Richie Rosenberg
Singers / Vocalists: Freddie Mercury, Dusty Springfield, Janis Joplin, Jeff Buckley

I know, I know some of you youngsters won't have heard of some of them and I've just realised that all my singers are dead, two of my guitarists are dead and my percussionist is dead, but search out their music folks and prepare to be amazed.
I'd find it hard to disapprove of any of the above, but I'd also count in Mickey Gallagher (of the Blockheads) on keyboards, ahead of Christine McVie.

In fact, if there's going to be girls in this, other than on vocals, I'm not playing.

... Mickey Gallagher (of the Blockheads) on keyboards, ahead of Christine McVie...
No issue, there was barely a toss of a coin between some of the nominees on my "Best of" lists and those not listed (Julie Driscoll, vocals, Carole King, keyboards & vocals, Suzie Quatro, bass & vocals, Paco de Lucia / Paco Pena / James Taylor acoustic guitars, Norah Jones, keyboards guitars & vocals), but for me the memory of a very young fragile looking Christine Perfect with Chicken Shack / early Fleetwood Mac and her beautiful contralto voice remain very powerful. Ah sure, them were the days boys, them were the days. :)
Your nostalgia is infectious. Wish I was born a couple of decades earlier... :)

Honourable mentions: Sandy Denny on vocals, John Martyn on guitar, Bill Bruford on drums...

Re the result tonight, I have a strong feeling that Led Zeppelin will perform very strongly. In terms of characters, individual raw talent, charisma, x-factor - all those things - never mind the amazing music, they were in many ways the ultimate supergroup anyway. Clichés even to an extent - in Plant you had the prototype sexually charged adonis frontman, drummers don't come as hard livin' hard hittin' or wilder than Bonham. Page was incredibly versatile, the ultimate riffmeister, popularised the double neck guitar...and what more do you want from a bass player other than to be the sensible quiet one, the multi-instrumentalist, the arranger etc. He wasn't a half bad musician either!

It's like they made in a rock factory or something.
... Well, I think it's safe to say mathepac, you are definitely "of an era" ;) ...
For sure, but what an era, spoilt for choice everywhere I looked. That's not to dismiss newer bands or musicians, I'm just not as familiar with their music as you young fellas. :D
... Very nice, considered choices BTW.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of yours. :p
Sorry to break in here Guys and Gals, but prompted by a worried message from a fellow AAMer, I decided I needed to check the credentials of Wossy's panel for tonight's BBC show and provide you with a studied evaluation.

I've listed them below with a thumbnail bio (totally objective, typical of me) and a rating which contrary to Top Gear style goes from absolute zero (no good at all, at all), through zero (no redeeming features), to coolish (some redeeming features), to cool (my sort of guy / girl). There is also some brief commentary which justifies my rating, as if I needed to.

  • Jonathan Ross - Wossie a poorish TV presenter (zero - eejit; where was Jools?)
  • Stewart Copeland - former Police drummer (no not in the Garda Band missus), composes movie music now, (coolish for an American)
  • Lauren Laverne - former singer, now radio & TV presenter / DJ, Glastonbury wellie model (coolish - at least 2 redeeming features :))
  • Mark Radcliffe - radio presenter, DJ (coolish)
  • Al Murray - comedian aka "The Pub Landlord" allegedly locked live on air at Jools' New Year Hootnanny (absolute zero, but he might surprise me)
  • Suggs - singer, front-man for Madness (cool, until he re-invented himself as a property developer / TV personality; stick to the knitting please dude)
  • Mark Ronson - strummer, muso, music producer, indie record-label owner (cool but very successful, the b*****)
  • Sharleen Spiteri - singer / songwriter, former front-woman with Texas (cool - a lady blues/rocker as distinct from a manufactured rock-chick; more! more! I say)
So zere you 'ave eet, mes amis, an evaluation of the commentary who weel 'opefully stick to ze commentary and don't start eezaire evaluating or playing (apart from Sharleen that is. I wonder, did her parents ever own a chipper in Tallaght?)
There were a few surprises on the panel / advocates :

  • Wossie did a fair enough job
  • Stewart Copeland did a good job, articulate, witty, self-deprecating (not that he has much choice as a drummer :))
  • Lauren Laverne did a good job, but I missed not seeing her wellies :mad:
  • Al Murray was a big surprise to me. Very articulate, witty, passionate and animated advocate for Led Zep & Co. The outstanding panel member IMHO, the polar opposite to his stand-up persona
  • Suggs did a good job, witty, understated.
  • Sharleen Spiteri good advocate, enjoyed her.
  • Vic Reeves the so-called comedian was a disaster, strident, inarticulate, out of his depth and totally lost at times. One wonders was he excessively hospitalityised.
It was great seeing the Led Zeppelin film at the end. John Bonham really was magnificent and I'd forgotten what an imposing presence he had on stage. Even doing nothing, with the other band-members strutting their stuff, he seemed to attract attention. Surrounded be the usual array of gongs, tablas, congas, 5ft cymbals, etc. he managed to combine power, speed, loundness and subtlety, inventiveness and spontaneity with impeccable timing and predictability.

An enjoyable night in for me.