eurovision can we afford to win


Registered User
just thinking with our finances the way they are, can we afford to win it, how would we pay for it if we did.
I think I heard of a figure of €25M for the Norweigan show. I think the amount of exposure we woudl get across Europe and perhaps other areas of the world would be well worth it. Other budgets promoting Ireland abroad could be cutback
Good Luck Niamh

Is it still that dodgy phone in voting - or did I hear it was half that and half proper voting, the way it used to be.

I watched Niamh the other night in her semi final - I got the goosebumps on my arms when she went for the high notes, she has a great voice. It was the first time I heard the song and was surprised how good it is.

If the voting has any fair element to it, she has a great chance.

Niamh looked great too. That purple dress suited her.

Best of Luck Niamh!
I think there is a fund put aside by the eurovision people to pay for the hosting costs, so it can only benefit us to win it.
My teenagers thought the whole thing was naff and hilarious! At the voting they were guessing who each country would give their top scores to! They were mostly correct, using politics and geography. What type of accent has the German singer? She was bats too! My kids' reasoning for Germany winning..... they're the only economy who can afford it!

The men in this house voted for Armenia.... lovely eyes ;-)
I'm not surprised at their reaction - can't believe it's still going really. It's like a relic from the 70s - Miss World etc.

The ultimate in self congratulatory, glossy, almost totally inconsequential cheesiness.

I still watched a bit of it though. :eek:

BTW, does almost every country other than Ireland and the UK have wierd 'hair issues' ? :confused:
I said to the OH last night, "I bet Germany win it cos they are bailing the rest of us Europeans out and they have to start getting something in return".

And it happened. But winning Eurovision is a poor return for pumping billions into failed/failing economies. They're good sports them Germans:D

I didn't watch much of it last night, but I agree that its very 70s. All the tunes that I heard are from a bygone age. None of them sound anything like the music of today, or indeed the last decade. Its stuck in a time warp.

I mean when was the last time you heard a song like Niamh Cavanaghs in the charts?

They should put it (and us) out of our misery now.
Overall I thought it was a great nights entertainment - alot of the songs were quite good.

Thought Denmark would take it - or certainly given Germany a better run for 'their money'. Niamh should have been much much higher in the scoring. Can't believe some of the songs that scored better - such as Isreal. Anyways - there is no accounting for taste with some!
I didn't watch the whole thing but thought the winning song was catchy and good. Liked that young girl.

That nonsense of voting for your neighbour is dreadful although it was nice of the UK to throw us a few points :D Felt sorry for them because they came last.
I liked the German song, good choice for a winner, upbeat and catchy. :)
Ah Lena, she's gorgeous!

Armenia and Romania were good too.

The UK came last for a reason.....hope they do better next year

Overall a good night's entertainment.
nice girl, nice song
last year clean cut young man won it
this year a clean cut young lady won
we just aint that beautiful :)
If we do really ever want to win it again, which is debatable, then we must find younger, better looking and quirkier acts than those we have been sending. Younger Europeans don't appreciate insipid ballads, however well sung ours was. They want something hip and cool and thats why the German girl won. We need a radical new approach if don't want to be last or thereabouts all the time.
We need a younger and good looking boy/girl. Most of the other acts would appeal to kids/teenagers more than our entry. What young people listen to insipid ballads with a bit of tin whistle thrown in for extra cheesiness? Most of the other contestants looked like high school musical extras or were a bit edgy. We had no unique selling point other than our entry was a winner back in 93. Niamh just doesn't cut it for the competition as is stands. Marty Whelan was hilarious with his old fashioned oppinion of the songs. We would be better pulling out or else get with the program and get a more youthful entry! My kids loved all the high scoring songs and these are the ones who text in! Enjoyed the show nd liked the flash dancing at the interval.